... h-fighter/
Английский вояка поперся воевать (зачем?).
Пишет, что украинцы бьются, как львы.
Вроде все у него за украинскую незалэжность.
Но в сухом остатке, если читать :
Добрался до Киева.
Жил в пустой квартире.
При атаке российских войск соединился со своим подразделением ( не пишет, кто его туда определил).
Там были с ним еще грузинские боевики.
По странному стечению оьстоятельств (путанница и неразбериха) был схвачен украинцами же, допрошен и избит.
У меня сложилось впечатление, что он не говорит ни по-русски, ни по-украински, при его описании допроса.
Кстати, обратите внимание, что даже иностранцы были арестованы и избиты "украинскими агентами, ловящими русских провокаторов".However, Jason and an American pal were later arrested by Ukraine agents looking for Russian saboteurs. He said: “My mate and I had a day sack with two walkie talkies and a small pistol.
"We had them for genuine reasons such as if the comms network went down but they got suspicious.”
As we headed into the dark I think it’s fair to say I was scared. Anyone who goes into that position that isn’t scared is a liar. When we arrived it was very quiet. But all of a sudden the gates of hell opened up on us.
Jason Haigh On The Battle Of Antonov
They were taken to a security service base and interrogated for three hours. Jason said: “My head was slammed down by one of the guards.
"A different guy came in and I could tell by his kit that he was in an elite unit. He had cable ties and two hoods and I thought ‘S***, this is real’.
"They kept shouting Russian at me but obviously I said I was English. They whacked me around eight or nine times. I had quite a bad concussion and was bleeding heavily.”
He went on: “They looked at my phone and my messages which was a really scary moment.
“I wasn’t scared of dying but I was scared about putting my family and friends through the pain of knowing I was in that situation.”
Eventually, they were released and Jason joined hundreds of thousands on trains to Lviv. He then fled to the Polish border before getting a train to Warsaw.
From there he flew to the UK and arrived home in Kidderminster last Friday. He said: “I didn’t go there to die. I obviously thought about it but I had a job to do.”
И сколько "русских провокаторов" они поймали и избили или убили, если они схватили даже очевидного англичанина по подозрению?
Который воевал за них, не против них, с оружием в руках?
Интересно, его просили сказать "паляныця"?