On other note
А вот уже и не мутогены подъезжают, к сожалению к ним (ингибиторы протеазы) у вирусов тоже довольно быстро накапливается устойчивость (ими СПИД лечат/лечили), ну и результат 0.8% vs 7% на 1к выборке
Pfizer has announced that its antiviral pill, PAXLOVID, is 89% effective in reducing COVID-19 hospitalisation and death
Based on an interim analysis of the Phase 2/3 EPIC-HR study, PAXLOVID has been found to significantly reduce hospitalisation and death.
The randomised, double-blind study included 1,219 high-risk patients with COVID-19.
The results showed an 89% reduction in risk of COVID-19-related hospitalisation or death from any cause.
Only 0.8% of the study participants who were given PAXLOVID were hospitalised, compared with 7% who were given a placebo pill.
Paxlovid is a protease inhibitor, a type of antiviral medication that has been successfully used for diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C. It works by preventing viruses from producing proteins they need to replicate, which significantly lowers the amount of virus in a patient.