прежде чем заносить эту контору в черный лист , прошу сообщество посмотреть свои биллы за long distance -- кроме state taxes, FCC line charges, Federal Taxes есть какие-либо еще снятия ???
у меня стоит еще непонятные carrier charges (оператор сообщила, что это стоимость, которую платит NECC своему поставщику long distance. На мой вопрос, а почему я за это плачу отдельно, получил невнятный ответ -- "все так платят, но дать вам кредит на эту сумму я не могу") , и Universal charges (оператор сказала буквально следующее -- "Это вид налогов, которые ввел во времена своего правления Бил Клинтон и которые мы все платим до сих пор, но дать вам кредит на эту сумму я не могу" ).
меня эти маловразумительные бормотания не устраивают.
кто-нибудь из знающих может помочь, что это за ерунда такая???
кто-нибудь платит за это в других компаниях ?
PS когда мне звонила девушка рекламировать свой сервис, одним из главных ее упоров было якобы то, что c NECC люди платят меньше налогов, что мол каждая long distance компания считает налоги по-своему. Я в это и не поверил особо, но теперь смотрю, что NECC ищет поводы содрать побольше.
в прошлом билле, например, насчитали какие-то $4,99 monthly fee. А если б я не позвонил сказать, что это за хрень, то и не сняли бы и сделали вид, что так и должно было быть. Щас вот дождусь 100 бесплатных минут (если дождусь от них чего-то еще, кроме лишних чарджей) и уйду к такой-то матери.
Еще раз -- помогите, кто в курсе.
с уважением
NECC (нужна помощь по биллу за long distance) !!!
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Кроме федеральных налогов может быть еше куча местных(штат, county, город и т.п.) Customer Service Вашей компании должен дать Вам телефон конторы(государственной) в Вашем штате, которая занимается налогами. Сами работники Customer Service обычно не имеют ни малейшего понятия о расчете налогов, да и большинство других работников компании - тоже. Собственно налоги обычно считаются с помощью специального софта (скорее всего CommTax), и все отклонения от истины случаются при кривом инпуте(или в случае забытого update). Утверждения о том, что компания А берет меньше налогов, чем компания Б, по-моему, чепуха, закон для всех один, а основа для расчета налогов - Ваш адрес, а не провайдер LD. Так что попробуйте узнать координаты налоговой конторы и с ними разбирайтесь какие налоги платить. Все остальное - с самой NECC.
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Отдельные carrier charges это бред. Это собственно и есть то за что с вас берут деньги. То есть если вы подключены к "Вася П Телеком" и звоните из NJ в CA то прямой провлолоки у Васи нет. Он ее у кого-то арендует. Если вам стоит это 5с в минуту, то 2с идет Васе, в 3 поставшикам Васиным. если он за это с вас отдельно брать хочет, то это круто. Или это какая-то фиксированная сумма не зависящая от количества минут? Тогда это тем более бред. Просто попытка взять денег.
Налоги не бывают маленькими у одной компании и большими у другой. Они везде одинаковые. Просто их очень много и некоторые компании часть их(или даже все) налоги включают в стоимость минуты.
А вообще LD компании это самые большие жулики. И уж по телефону я бы ни за что и ни к кому подключаться не стал. Только внимательнейшим образом изучив все их метериалы на бумаге или на худой конец на их сайте.
Налоги не бывают маленькими у одной компании и большими у другой. Они везде одинаковые. Просто их очень много и некоторые компании часть их(или даже все) налоги включают в стоимость минуты.
А вообще LD компании это самые большие жулики. И уж по телефону я бы ни за что и ни к кому подключаться не стал. Только внимательнейшим образом изучив все их метериалы на бумаге или на худой конец на их сайте.
Миротворцы навсегда примиряли города, превратив их в руины.(А. Непомнящий)
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Ниже привела список и описание налогов, которые могут быть у Вас на счету.
Налоги у большинства компаний одни и те же, а вот процент может быть разным.
Property Tax Surcharge This surcharge, applied to interstate and international charges, allows long distance carrier to recover a portion of the property tax it pays to state and local jurisdictions.
Regulatory Administration Fee The Regulatory Administration Fee helps long distance carrier recover the costs associated with regulatory proceedings and compliance. This fee applies for each month in which you have any long distance carrier charges on your bill. This fee is not a tax or charge required by the government.
Utility User Тах A tax imposed on the consumer for using a utility (telecommunication) service. The tax is commonly based on a percentage of the amount billed to each customer for the service.
Business & Occupation (B&O) Tax A privilege tax imposed on a company for the privilege of doing business in the taxing jurisdiction. B&O taxes are typically imposed on the telecommunication provider. Some states allow the telecommunication provider to pass on these taxes to the consumer identified either as a tax or a surcharge.
911 Tax This charge is generally imposed on the consumer, either as a tax or surcharge to fund a 911 emergency system.
Public Utility Commission (PUC) Tax (Fees) A charge imposed on users of regulated services, which is used to finance operational costs of the regulatory body (i.e., P.U.C.). This charge is generally imposed on the telecommunication provider, although some states allow it to be passed on to the consumer either in the form of a tax or surcharge.
Sales Tax This tax is imposed on the privilege of making sales. The sales tax that applies to telecommunication services can be at the same rate as the general sales tax on other goods and services, or it can be at a different rate. In some states, there is a sales tax on goods and services but not on telecommunication services. In others, there is a sales tax on telecommunication services but not on other goods and services.
Telephone Sales Tax A tax specifically imposed on telecommunication services. This is different and separate from the standard sales tax, which applies to goods and services. Many states also impose their standard sales tax to telecommunication services in lieu of a telephone sales tax.
Statutory Gross Receipts Tax A tax on the privilege of doing business in the state measured by gross receipts received from business done in the state. This tax is typically imposed on the telecommunication provider; however, some states allow the provider to pass on the tax to the consumer.
Utility User's Tax/Business A tax imposed on a non-residential consumer for using a utility (telecommunication) service. The tax is commonly based on a percentage of the amount billed to each customer for the service.
License Tax A tax levied on the service provider for the privilege of soliciting and conducting business in a jurisdiction. Generally, a license tax is a flat, annual fee, but in some cases it is measured by gross receipts.
Service Tax A tax imposed on the privilege of making sales of services.
District Tax A tax imposed on the privilege of making sales within a special district (e.g., a rapid transit authority, school district, development zone, etc ).
911 Business This tax is generally imposed on a business consumer, either as a tax or a surcharge to fund a 911 emergency system. Reserved for customer use.
Universal Service Fund Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing the availability of basic telecommunication services for all at an affordable price.
Telecommunications Relay Service Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication relay services.
DEAF Tax Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication service to hearing and speech impaired individuals.
High Cost Fund Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication service in high cost areas.
Poison Control Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing funding for Poison Control Centers.
Lifeline An amount to provide support to reduce an eligible consumer's charge for basic telecommunications services.
Excise Tax A tax imposed on payments received for the privilege of sending or receiving telecommunication messages.
Special Tax A generic category of tax that does not fit into a category used by the majority of states. The definition of the special tax widely varies from state to state.
Surcharge An additional charge to be applied to the customer's bill for telecommunication services. This charge is not a tax but an additional charge that has been approved by the appropriate regulatory body.
License Tax A tax levied on a wireless service provider for the privilege of soliciting and conducting business in a jurisdiction. Generally, a license tax is a flat, annual fee, but in some cases it is measured by gross receipts.
Utility Users Tax/Business A tax imposed on a wireless non-residential consumer for using a utility (telecommunication) service. The tax is commonly based on a percentage of the amount billed to each customer for the service.
Utility Users Tax A tax imposed on a wireless consumer for using a utility (telecommunication) service. The tax is commonly based on a percentage of the amount billed to each customer for the service.
B&O Tax A privilege tax imposed on a wireless telecommunications company for the privilege of doing business in the taxing jurisdiction. B&O taxes are typically imposed on the telecommunications provider. Some state allow the telecommunications provider to pass on these taxes to the consumer identified either as a tax or a surcharge
911 This charge is generally imposed on the consumer using wireless telecommunications, either as a tax or as a surcharge to fund a 911 emergency system.
Gross Receipts A tax on the privilege of doing wireless business in the state measured by the gross receipts received from business done in the state. This tax is typically imposed on the wireless telecommunications provider; however, some states allow the provider to pass on the tax to the consumer.
Universal Service Fund Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing the availability of basic telecommunication services for all at an affordable price.
Telecommunication Relay Service Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication relay service.
DEAF Tax Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication service to hearing and speech impaired individuals.
High Cost Fund Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication service in high cost areas.
Poison Control Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing funding for Poison Control Centers.
Federal Excise Tax A federal excise tax is imposed on consumers for the privilege of using telecommunication services. Taxable services include all local and long distance services (both intrastate and interstate) as well as all surcharges. Private communication services, installation charges, and some services for resale are not taxed.
Goods and Services Tax (GST) The GST is a tax that is imposed by Canada when a taxable supply of telecommunication service has been made. The tax is imposed on both local and long distance, and intra and inter provisional telecommunication services.
Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) The HST replaces the GST and the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) in three provinces. The HST is imposed only in the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. Under the HST, there is one rate and one base. The HST is administered by the Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency.
Provincial Sales Tax (PST) The PST is the Provincial Sales Tax. The tax is similar to the retail sales tax that is imposed in the United States. Tax rates can vary from province to province, and provinces can enact special rates and exemptions for certain types of customers.
Quebec Sales Tax (QST) The QST is the provincial tax that is imposed in the province of Quebec. The tax is administered by Revenu Quebec.
Sales Tax This tax is imposed on the privilege of making sales. The sales tax that applies to telecommunication services can be at the same rate as the general sales tax on other goods and services, or it can be at a different rate. In some states, there is a sales tax on goods and services but not on telecommunication services. In others, there is a sales tax on telecommunication services but not on other goods and services.
Налоги у большинства компаний одни и те же, а вот процент может быть разным.
Property Tax Surcharge This surcharge, applied to interstate and international charges, allows long distance carrier to recover a portion of the property tax it pays to state and local jurisdictions.
Regulatory Administration Fee The Regulatory Administration Fee helps long distance carrier recover the costs associated with regulatory proceedings and compliance. This fee applies for each month in which you have any long distance carrier charges on your bill. This fee is not a tax or charge required by the government.
Utility User Тах A tax imposed on the consumer for using a utility (telecommunication) service. The tax is commonly based on a percentage of the amount billed to each customer for the service.
Business & Occupation (B&O) Tax A privilege tax imposed on a company for the privilege of doing business in the taxing jurisdiction. B&O taxes are typically imposed on the telecommunication provider. Some states allow the telecommunication provider to pass on these taxes to the consumer identified either as a tax or a surcharge.
911 Tax This charge is generally imposed on the consumer, either as a tax or surcharge to fund a 911 emergency system.
Public Utility Commission (PUC) Tax (Fees) A charge imposed on users of regulated services, which is used to finance operational costs of the regulatory body (i.e., P.U.C.). This charge is generally imposed on the telecommunication provider, although some states allow it to be passed on to the consumer either in the form of a tax or surcharge.
Sales Tax This tax is imposed on the privilege of making sales. The sales tax that applies to telecommunication services can be at the same rate as the general sales tax on other goods and services, or it can be at a different rate. In some states, there is a sales tax on goods and services but not on telecommunication services. In others, there is a sales tax on telecommunication services but not on other goods and services.
Telephone Sales Tax A tax specifically imposed on telecommunication services. This is different and separate from the standard sales tax, which applies to goods and services. Many states also impose their standard sales tax to telecommunication services in lieu of a telephone sales tax.
Statutory Gross Receipts Tax A tax on the privilege of doing business in the state measured by gross receipts received from business done in the state. This tax is typically imposed on the telecommunication provider; however, some states allow the provider to pass on the tax to the consumer.
Utility User's Tax/Business A tax imposed on a non-residential consumer for using a utility (telecommunication) service. The tax is commonly based on a percentage of the amount billed to each customer for the service.
License Tax A tax levied on the service provider for the privilege of soliciting and conducting business in a jurisdiction. Generally, a license tax is a flat, annual fee, but in some cases it is measured by gross receipts.
Service Tax A tax imposed on the privilege of making sales of services.
District Tax A tax imposed on the privilege of making sales within a special district (e.g., a rapid transit authority, school district, development zone, etc ).
911 Business This tax is generally imposed on a business consumer, either as a tax or a surcharge to fund a 911 emergency system. Reserved for customer use.
Universal Service Fund Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing the availability of basic telecommunication services for all at an affordable price.
Telecommunications Relay Service Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication relay services.
DEAF Tax Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication service to hearing and speech impaired individuals.
High Cost Fund Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication service in high cost areas.
Poison Control Surcharge A surcharge imposed on telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing funding for Poison Control Centers.
Lifeline An amount to provide support to reduce an eligible consumer's charge for basic telecommunications services.
Excise Tax A tax imposed on payments received for the privilege of sending or receiving telecommunication messages.
Special Tax A generic category of tax that does not fit into a category used by the majority of states. The definition of the special tax widely varies from state to state.
Surcharge An additional charge to be applied to the customer's bill for telecommunication services. This charge is not a tax but an additional charge that has been approved by the appropriate regulatory body.
License Tax A tax levied on a wireless service provider for the privilege of soliciting and conducting business in a jurisdiction. Generally, a license tax is a flat, annual fee, but in some cases it is measured by gross receipts.
Utility Users Tax/Business A tax imposed on a wireless non-residential consumer for using a utility (telecommunication) service. The tax is commonly based on a percentage of the amount billed to each customer for the service.
Utility Users Tax A tax imposed on a wireless consumer for using a utility (telecommunication) service. The tax is commonly based on a percentage of the amount billed to each customer for the service.
B&O Tax A privilege tax imposed on a wireless telecommunications company for the privilege of doing business in the taxing jurisdiction. B&O taxes are typically imposed on the telecommunications provider. Some state allow the telecommunications provider to pass on these taxes to the consumer identified either as a tax or a surcharge
911 This charge is generally imposed on the consumer using wireless telecommunications, either as a tax or as a surcharge to fund a 911 emergency system.
Gross Receipts A tax on the privilege of doing wireless business in the state measured by the gross receipts received from business done in the state. This tax is typically imposed on the wireless telecommunications provider; however, some states allow the provider to pass on the tax to the consumer.
Universal Service Fund Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing the availability of basic telecommunication services for all at an affordable price.
Telecommunication Relay Service Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication relay service.
DEAF Tax Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication service to hearing and speech impaired individuals.
High Cost Fund Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing telecommunication service in high cost areas.
Poison Control Surcharge A surcharge imposed on wireless telecommunication providers that may be passed on to customers for the purpose of providing funding for Poison Control Centers.
Federal Excise Tax A federal excise tax is imposed on consumers for the privilege of using telecommunication services. Taxable services include all local and long distance services (both intrastate and interstate) as well as all surcharges. Private communication services, installation charges, and some services for resale are not taxed.
Goods and Services Tax (GST) The GST is a tax that is imposed by Canada when a taxable supply of telecommunication service has been made. The tax is imposed on both local and long distance, and intra and inter provisional telecommunication services.
Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) The HST replaces the GST and the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) in three provinces. The HST is imposed only in the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. Under the HST, there is one rate and one base. The HST is administered by the Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency.
Provincial Sales Tax (PST) The PST is the Provincial Sales Tax. The tax is similar to the retail sales tax that is imposed in the United States. Tax rates can vary from province to province, and provinces can enact special rates and exemptions for certain types of customers.
Quebec Sales Tax (QST) The QST is the provincial tax that is imposed in the province of Quebec. The tax is administered by Revenu Quebec.
Sales Tax This tax is imposed on the privilege of making sales. The sales tax that applies to telecommunication services can be at the same rate as the general sales tax on other goods and services, or it can be at a different rate. In some states, there is a sales tax on goods and services but not on telecommunication services. In others, there is a sales tax on telecommunication services but not on other goods and services.
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BOBAH wrote:О, мне они тоже звонили и упирали на низкие налоги и низкую стоимость связи. Что-то мне это все показалось слишком хорошо чтобы быть правдой. Как у них связь? Легко ли дозвониться? И вообще как впечатления кроме биллинга?
связь ничего, лучше, чем в ЕОТ.
цена дешевле, но когда получаешь билл -- такое ощущение, что уже обманули где0то и на сколько-то. Надо искать. как я уже писал выше, могут добаваить $4.99 monthly fee просто от нечего делать, и опять-таки -- какие-то непонятные снятия неизвестно на что. Я однозначно ухожу от них через месяц (обещали 100 минут бесплатных разговоров с минском, так что поговорю и уйду). Референс не даю.
Я хочу, чтобы в Белaруси были деньги как в Америке - с РАЗНЫМИ президентами !!!