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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by VladimirF »

=VI post_id=7296790 time=1589259273 user_id=6392]

Именно поэтому и я, и ВОЗ говорят, что от вируса лечения нет. А вот от некоторых последсвий есть. И то не всегда эффективное.
Самое опасное и распространённое последствие заражения фиброз лёгких.
Pulmonary fibrosis is a condition in which the lungs become scarred over time...[1]
...There is no known cure.[1] Treatment is directed towards efforts to improve symptoms and may include oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation.[1
Cogito, ergo sum - я мыслю, значит существую.
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by Ruger »

Мальчик-Одуванчик wrote: 12 May 2020 22:37
worldCitizen wrote: 12 May 2020 02:21 Если есть возможность, лучше не летать.
Буквально пару дней назад Юнайтед привезла в Сан-Франциско из Нью-Иорка битком набитый рейс. Экономика открывается - полетели разносить заразу!
Сомневаюсь что там пол-самолёта не перезаражалось. После обсуждения в прессе уроды из руководства авиакомпании всплеснули ручками, задвинули очередную пургу как они беспокоятся о пассажирах и озаботились подумать на тему сделать средние места пустыми.
Правильно делают, не хочешь - не летай, сиди дома если вируса боишься
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by Sergunka »

Россия сегодня вышла на второе место по количеству зараженных.
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by sondo »

А в это время из за одного нового зараженного и 16 бессимптомных (у 5 правда потом пошли симптомы, то есть первый зараженный дал 5 больных и 11 бессимптомных на данный день) в Ухане отдан срочный приказ оттестировать 11 млн жителей за 10 дней.

А в Германии задумываются об обратном ужесточении мер ибо после открытия пошло нарастание количества зараюенных в день.
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by Serguei666 »

Sergunka wrote: 13 May 2020 00:27 Россия сегодня вышла на второе место по количеству зараженных.
Америку им все равно не догнать.
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by StrangerR »

Sergunka wrote: 13 May 2020 00:27 Россия сегодня вышла на второе место по количеству зараженных.
Не зараженных а ВЫЯВЛЕННЫХ. Офигенная разница. Если не тестировать то посчитаются лишь те 5 - 10% что в больницы попадают. А если тестировать на опережение то и бессимптомных посчитают. В России в посчитанных - около половины бессимптомных. Сколько бессимптомных в посчитанных например в США?
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by HappyCat »

sondo wrote: 13 May 2020 00:36 А в это время из за одного нового зараженного и 16 бессимптомных (у 5 правда потом пошли симптомы, то есть первый зараженный дал 5 больных и 11 бессимптомных на данный день) в Ухане отдан срочный приказ оттестировать 11 млн жителей за 10 дней.

А в Германии задумываются об обратном ужесточении мер ибо после открытия пошло нарастание количества зараюенных в день.
Как бы если карантин на что-то влиял то число случаев долзно бы слегка увеличиться после его снятия. Пока что похоже в случае Германии это секретная информация не просочившаяся на сайты отслеживающие вирус ;). ... y/germany/
Pishu levoj nogoj s oshibkami. sorry
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by devochkakayf »

Мальчик-Одуванчик wrote: 12 May 2020 23:09 Для врачей могли бы сподобиться и на отдельный рейс. А так еще и врачей решили заразить под лозунгом благотворительности.
Для хорошего PR могли, пошлите им ваше предложение. А вообще может это уже больные врачи заразили обычных пассажиров? Ведь такое тоже может быть
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by Клубника »

devochkakayf wrote: 13 May 2020 17:59
Мальчик-Одуванчик wrote: 12 May 2020 23:09 Для врачей могли бы сподобиться и на отдельный рейс. А так еще и врачей решили заразить под лозунгом благотворительности.
А вообще может это уже больные врачи заразили обычных пассажиров? Ведь такое тоже может быть
Ну, если учитывать привычку медперсонала в Америке в рабочей одежде разгуливать в общественных местах( в магазин забежать по быстрому) и потом обратно на работу, то конечно может быть. Я одного такого видела в Денвере в конце марта гуляющего по cabela’s. Там больница рядом и карантин уже был.
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by city_girl »

Клубника wrote: 13 May 2020 21:02
devochkakayf wrote: 13 May 2020 17:59
Мальчик-Одуванчик wrote: 12 May 2020 23:09 Для врачей могли бы сподобиться и на отдельный рейс. А так еще и врачей решили заразить под лозунгом благотворительности.
А вообще может это уже больные врачи заразили обычных пассажиров? Ведь такое тоже может быть
Ну, если учитывать привычку медперсонала в Америке в рабочей одежде разгуливать в общественных местах( в магазин забежать по быстрому) и потом обратно на работу, то конечно может быть. Я одного такого видела в Денвере в конце марта гуляющего по cabela’s. Там больница рядом и карантин уже был.
А как вам это?
In a moving Facebook Live video the nurse describes how patients are not dying from the virus, but are being “murdered” by “gross negligence and complete medical mismanagement.”

“I am literally telling you that they are murdering these people,” Sirotek says in the terrifying video.


The video begins with Sirotek explaining that every time she attempts to advocate on behalf of one of her patients, management takes them away and reassigns her to another unit. She said that this happened at both of the hospitals she has worked at in the city. “I legitimately don’t even know what to do anymore. Even advocacy groups don’t care about these people,” she said. “Black lives don’t matter here.” She was so overcome by the apathy of all her colleagues as well as advocacy groups that she describes in tears how she “had a breakdown yesterday.”

Sirotek acknowledges that “not everybody is going to live” but then insists that people are not dying from COVID but from poor and in some cases criminal medical treatment which she as a nurse knows can cause their death.

Sirotek provides several specific examples of patients who have died from medical negligence, including a resident nurse killing a patient by using a defibrillator on him when he had a pulse and it wasn’t necessary. When she ran out of the room to get help stopping him from doing it, the director of nursing just shook their head at her. The patient ultimately died, but not from COVID.

In another example, she said that a patient was given the wrong type of insulin. Even more alarmingly, she said that the hospital was refusing to give blood transfusions to patients who are low on blood unless they have internal bleeding. Without proper blood flow, she explained, the ventilators will not do anything to help them — and she said that this is a common problem for patients with the virus.

“Nobody is listening. They don’t care what is happening to these people. They don’t. I’m literally coming here every day and watching them kill them,” she said.

Sirotek describes improper intubations, unnecessary sedations and irresponsible medical procedures, such as not giving antibiotics when they are medically required and could save lives.

Sirotek explained that “we’re not even treating the COVID guys, for real, we’re not treating the COVID.” She said that the bare minimum is being done to keep them alive, but not to help them get better. This has led to a 100% mortality rate in her unit, she claims.

Sirotek asserted that the hospitals are so neglectful of the COVID patients that she has actually been assigned to people who are already dead, but nobody knew it.

“How long have they been dead? Nobody knows!” Sirotek exclaimed.

The situation has become so dire, Sirotek said, that the only way she can put it into context is by comparing it to the Holocaust.

“This is going to be kind of an extreme example, but this is really the only thing I can come up with,” Sirotek began. “It’s like if we were in Nazi Germany and they were like, taking the Jews to go put them in a gas chamber, I’m the one there saying like, ‘hey, this is not good, this is bad, this is wrong, we should not be doing this.’ Then everyone tells me ‘hang in there, you’re doing a great job, you can’t save everybody — you’re amazing, you’re a great nurse.’”

Sirotek explained that she knows she is a great nurse, but what she needs is someone to help her actually treat and save her patients “from being killed.”

At this point Sirotek broke down in tears saying she is out of ideas on what to do. “Am I the only one who is not a sociopath?” Sirotek asks, referring to the other nurses.

She explained that while some patients will legitimately have multi-organ failure and die from COVID, that hasn’t been the case with cases she has seen

“I am literally telling you that they are murdering these people — and nobody will listen to me. Like I said, I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure that when you defibrillate somebody with a heartbeat of 40 and a stable rhythm, and you kill them, that’s murder.”

She said that she has reached out to news organizations, hospital administrators, and even black advocacy groups for help without any luck.

“Stay safe. Stay out of NYC for your healthcare,” her video concludes.
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by лето »

city_girl wrote: 13 May 2020 21:17
Клубника wrote: 13 May 2020 21:02
devochkakayf wrote: 13 May 2020 17:59
Мальчик-Одуванчик wrote: 12 May 2020 23:09 Для врачей могли бы сподобиться и на отдельный рейс. А так еще и врачей решили заразить под лозунгом благотворительности.
А вообще может это уже больные врачи заразили обычных пассажиров? Ведь такое тоже может быть
Ну, если учитывать привычку медперсонала в Америке в рабочей одежде разгуливать в общественных местах( в магазин забежать по быстрому) и потом обратно на работу, то конечно может быть. Я одного такого видела в Денвере в конце марта гуляющего по cabela’s. Там больница рядом и карантин уже был.
А как вам это?
In a moving Facebook Live video the nurse describes how patients are not dying from the virus, but are being “murdered” by “gross negligence and complete medical mismanagement.”

“I am literally telling you that they are murdering these people,” Sirotek says in the terrifying video.


The video begins with Sirotek explaining that every time she attempts to advocate on behalf of one of her patients, management takes them away and reassigns her to another unit. She said that this happened at both of the hospitals she has worked at in the city. “I legitimately don’t even know what to do anymore. Even advocacy groups don’t care about these people,” she said. “Black lives don’t matter here.” She was so overcome by the apathy of all her colleagues as well as advocacy groups that she describes in tears how she “had a breakdown yesterday.”

Sirotek acknowledges that “not everybody is going to live” but then insists that people are not dying from COVID but from poor and in some cases criminal medical treatment which she as a nurse knows can cause their death.

Sirotek provides several specific examples of patients who have died from medical negligence, including a resident nurse killing a patient by using a defibrillator on him when he had a pulse and it wasn’t necessary. When she ran out of the room to get help stopping him from doing it, the director of nursing just shook their head at her. The patient ultimately died, but not from COVID.

In another example, she said that a patient was given the wrong type of insulin. Even more alarmingly, she said that the hospital was refusing to give blood transfusions to patients who are low on blood unless they have internal bleeding. Without proper blood flow, she explained, the ventilators will not do anything to help them — and she said that this is a common problem for patients with the virus.

“Nobody is listening. They don’t care what is happening to these people. They don’t. I’m literally coming here every day and watching them kill them,” she said.

Sirotek describes improper intubations, unnecessary sedations and irresponsible medical procedures, such as not giving antibiotics when they are medically required and could save lives.

Sirotek explained that “we’re not even treating the COVID guys, for real, we’re not treating the COVID.” She said that the bare minimum is being done to keep them alive, but not to help them get better. This has led to a 100% mortality rate in her unit, she claims.

Sirotek asserted that the hospitals are so neglectful of the COVID patients that she has actually been assigned to people who are already dead, but nobody knew it.

“How long have they been dead? Nobody knows!” Sirotek exclaimed.

The situation has become so dire, Sirotek said, that the only way she can put it into context is by comparing it to the Holocaust.

“This is going to be kind of an extreme example, but this is really the only thing I can come up with,” Sirotek began. “It’s like if we were in Nazi Germany and they were like, taking the Jews to go put them in a gas chamber, I’m the one there saying like, ‘hey, this is not good, this is bad, this is wrong, we should not be doing this.’ Then everyone tells me ‘hang in there, you’re doing a great job, you can’t save everybody — you’re amazing, you’re a great nurse.’”

Sirotek explained that she knows she is a great nurse, but what she needs is someone to help her actually treat and save her patients “from being killed.”

At this point Sirotek broke down in tears saying she is out of ideas on what to do. “Am I the only one who is not a sociopath?” Sirotek asks, referring to the other nurses.

She explained that while some patients will legitimately have multi-organ failure and die from COVID, that hasn’t been the case with cases she has seen

“I am literally telling you that they are murdering these people — and nobody will listen to me. Like I said, I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure that when you defibrillate somebody with a heartbeat of 40 and a stable rhythm, and you kill them, that’s murder.”

She said that she has reached out to news organizations, hospital administrators, and even black advocacy groups for help without any luck.

“Stay safe. Stay out of NYC for your healthcare,” her video concludes.
Да как-то никак.
Sirotek describes improper intubations - она медсестра, а не врач. Интюбейшн и все связанное - out of scope of nursing practice --> не ей решать

unnecessary sedations and irresponsible medical procedures, such as not giving antibiotics when they are medically required and could save lives --> нужны или нет антибиотики, седейшн в том или ином случае - решение врача, не медсестры. Опять она вылезает из scope of nursing practice

По поводу дефибриляторов. Ваще в каждой нерсинг школе учат лечить не монитор, а человека. Монитор может и heart rate показывать и ритм, а пациент может уже и мертвый давно.
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by sondo » ... SKBN22P2RP

Spain: 5% has antibodies. Which is about 10 times more than "tested positive" with PCR tests.
But, 1/20 of the population only.
Currently: deaths accounted for 0.06%. of the population
To get to "herd immunity" (70%, for example), one has to multiply by 14 at least.
Getting to 0.84%
So the final lethality is about 1%
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by StrangerR »

sondo wrote: 13 May 2020 23:28 ... SKBN22P2RP

Spain: 5% has antibodies. Which is about 10 times more than "tested positive" with PCR tests.
But, 1/20 of the population only.
Currently: deaths accounted for 0.06%. of the population
To get to "herd immunity" (70%, for example), one has to multiply by 14 at least.
Getting to 0.84%
So the final lethality is about 1%
При 5% это не показательно, так как нужно или протестировать ВСЕХ или в одном месте 1% а в другом 60%. И все очень зависит от того не упустили ли дома престарелых - так как если упустили то сразу получили сотню умерших (правда они бы и так умерли за год, но все же...)
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by Sergunka »

Русскоговорящие в Германии подрались с полицаями поспорив на тему носить ли маски или нет :D
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Re: Coronavirus (ВСЕ вопросы, новые темы не открывать!)

Post by sondo »

StrangerR wrote: 13 May 2020 23:44
sondo wrote: 13 May 2020 23:28 ... SKBN22P2RP

Spain: 5% has antibodies. Which is about 10 times more than "tested positive" with PCR tests.
But, 1/20 of the population only.
Currently: deaths accounted for 0.06%. of the population
To get to "herd immunity" (70%, for example), one has to multiply by 14 at least.
Getting to 0.84%
So the final lethality is about 1%
При 5% это не показательно, так как нужно или протестировать ВСЕХ или в одном месте 1% а в другом 60%. И все очень зависит от того не упустили ли дома престарелых - так как если упустили то сразу получили сотню умерших (правда они бы и так умерли за год, но все же...)
Study was done across 36 000 households (90 000 people) chosen to make proper representation of country population.

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