Кто-нибудь имел дело с Ораклом на Мэйнфрэйме?
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- Сообщения: 15441
- Зарегистрирован: Ср апр 30, 2003 11:43 am
- Благодарил (а): 3 раза
Chilanzar, you say "new product"? 20 years old DB2 is a new product. Actually, you misundestand me. I'm for stayng with that product which fits your needs better. I didn't know that you are using ISM. Moreover, I know, IMS is a good product, modern, and well supported product. Look, it was your statement about your company tried DB2 and finally decided to stay where you are. But, I disagree with a statement that the same data processing will be much slower on DB2 compare to ISM. I say, if you made the best on DB2 it will show very close performance to what you'll see with IMS. That's only I say.
"..тот же PB " - who is this?
"..тот же PB " - who is this?
- camel
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- Зарегистрирован: Пт дек 06, 2002 12:21 pm
zVlad писал(а): Вчера, безуспешно пытаясь найти доки по Оракл на МФ на Оракл сайте, я наткнулся на очередной опус Оракл-а о том насколько голов Оракл выше DB2, в данном случае в вопросах security. Документ называется "Technical Comparison of Oracle Database vs. IBM DB2 UDB: Focus on Security" February 2002.
жаль, что ссылку не привели - не могу его найти - интересно, что там такого ужасного написано
попутно нашел другой любопытный документ:
http://otn.oracle.com/deploy/performanc ... 2_PERF.PDF
неужели в дб2 все так запущено? или оракл неправду пишет?
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- Сообщения: 1079
- Зарегистрирован: Пн июн 16, 2003 11:41 pm
zVlad писал(а):Chilanzar, you say "new product"? 20 years old DB2 is a new product. Actually, you misundestand me. I'm for stayng with that product which fits your needs better. I didn't know that you are using ISM. Moreover, I know, IMS is a good product, modern, and well supported product. Look, it was your statement about your company tried DB2 and finally decided to stay where you are. But, I disagree with a statement that the same data processing will be much slower on DB2 compare to ISM. I say, if you made the best on DB2 it will show very close performance to what you'll see with IMS. That's only I say.
"..тот же PB " - who is this?
не придирайтесь к словам. он новый относительно IMS. вы меня совсем запутали IMS или ISM???? я знаю что в компании есть немоного IMS и немного же DB2, ни на том ни на другом я лично не работаю. Мы работаем ва VSAM(IAM) фаилах. У нас Payment Subsystem (minor in size copmared to others) на DB2. Все основное - на VSAM(IAM). как я слышала - аргумент в пользу последних был скорость/response time намного лучше.
я совершенно не хочу с вами спорить. просто(повторюсь) если в таком большем мейнфреймном шопе как мы решили нe использовать широко DB2 - it's surely for a reason!!!
PB - PowerBuilder. was for example only....
Последний раз редактировалось chilanzar Пт сен 05, 2003 10:59 am, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 15441
- Зарегистрирован: Ср апр 30, 2003 11:43 am
- Благодарил (а): 3 раза
Dmitry Lee, thank you very much for your help in searching documentation on Oracle for OS/390. Just few ninutes before I was able to find it myself, but I didn't know that docs must be searched in "Downloads" (that is such an interesting idea). I found it in another way. Doesn't metter.
Now, I see "целую секцию документации под названием Oracle9i Database Release 2 Documentation for IBM OS-390 (MVS). ":
Oracle9i Database Release 2 Documentation for IBM OS-390 (MVS)
A97310-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release Notes Release 2 ( for OS/390
A97311-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Installation Guide Release 2 ( for OS/390
A97312-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition User's Guide Release 2 ( for OS/390
A97313-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition System Administration Guide Release 2 ( for OS/390
A97314-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Messages Guide Release 2 ( for OS/390
Huge section, just 5 books. Amazing!
OK, give me, please, say "..Release Notes..". Click at HTML form. See:
"The requested web page requires that you sign in first. Please enter your Oracle.com username and password below. If you do not have an account you can sign up now.
(If you are seeing this page even after entering valid credentials, please make sure your browser configuration is such that it accepts cookies)
Password: "
Click on "sign up now" (I'm not registered. Actually, I was registered in 2001. Moreover, I was able to find those userid and password this morning. When tried use them I've got: "You entered incorrect userid or password"). Anyway, See (by the way, I'm with MS IE version 6.0.2800.1106CO):
"The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.
Click the Back button to try another link.
OK, try to download PDF version. Left click on "PDF" gives the same result as "HTML". Right click of PDF, and say "Save link as"..... "otnLogin.jsp is saved on your computer". Thank you.
I repeated it many times.
Oracle guys, please, help me to access Oracle documentation!!
Now, I see "целую секцию документации под названием Oracle9i Database Release 2 Documentation for IBM OS-390 (MVS). ":
Oracle9i Database Release 2 Documentation for IBM OS-390 (MVS)
A97310-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release Notes Release 2 ( for OS/390
A97311-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Installation Guide Release 2 ( for OS/390
A97312-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition User's Guide Release 2 ( for OS/390
A97313-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition System Administration Guide Release 2 ( for OS/390
A97314-01 PDF HTML Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Messages Guide Release 2 ( for OS/390
Huge section, just 5 books. Amazing!
OK, give me, please, say "..Release Notes..". Click at HTML form. See:
"The requested web page requires that you sign in first. Please enter your Oracle.com username and password below. If you do not have an account you can sign up now.
(If you are seeing this page even after entering valid credentials, please make sure your browser configuration is such that it accepts cookies)
Password: "
Click on "sign up now" (I'm not registered. Actually, I was registered in 2001. Moreover, I was able to find those userid and password this morning. When tried use them I've got: "You entered incorrect userid or password"). Anyway, See (by the way, I'm with MS IE version 6.0.2800.1106CO):
"The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.
Click the Back button to try another link.
OK, try to download PDF version. Left click on "PDF" gives the same result as "HTML". Right click of PDF, and say "Save link as"..... "otnLogin.jsp is saved on your computer". Thank you.
I repeated it many times.
Oracle guys, please, help me to access Oracle documentation!!
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- Зарегистрирован: Ср ноя 17, 1999 4:01 am
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Dmitry Lee
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 1217
- Зарегистрирован: Ср ноя 17, 1999 4:01 am
- Откуда: 56° 30' N 084° 58' E -> 41° 51' N 071° 28' W
Dmitry Lee
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 15441
- Зарегистрирован: Ср апр 30, 2003 11:43 am
- Благодарил (а): 3 раза
Yes, please. In Messages Guide, in "Preface" I read:
This guide contains OS/390-specific messages issued by Oracle9i Enterprise Edition for OS/390 products. Each message description includes the message, a probable cause, and a suggested action.
There are many messages produced by Oracle9i products that are independent of the operating system environment. These messages appear in the relevant product-specific documentation."
Does it mean that when I've got message I should look into "Message Guide" with platform independent messages described, and if there is no such message there I have to go to this manual?
This guide contains OS/390-specific messages issued by Oracle9i Enterprise Edition for OS/390 products. Each message description includes the message, a probable cause, and a suggested action.
There are many messages produced by Oracle9i products that are independent of the operating system environment. These messages appear in the relevant product-specific documentation."
Does it mean that when I've got message I should look into "Message Guide" with platform independent messages described, and if there is no such message there I have to go to this manual?
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 15441
- Зарегистрирован: Ср апр 30, 2003 11:43 am
- Благодарил (а): 3 раза
Dmitry Lee. I read in installation Guide:
"The documentation set has two parts: OS/390-specific documentation and product-specific documentation. Your site automatically receives both parts for the Oracle products that you have acquired. Use the product-specific documentation to learn how to use a product. Use the OS/390-specific documentation to learn about special requirements or restrictions for using that product under OS/390."
Same notice I've found in Administration Guide. Do you, Dmitry, think it is convinient to read two books at the same time?
"The documentation set has two parts: OS/390-specific documentation and product-specific documentation. Your site automatically receives both parts for the Oracle products that you have acquired. Use the product-specific documentation to learn how to use a product. Use the OS/390-specific documentation to learn about special requirements or restrictions for using that product under OS/390."
Same notice I've found in Administration Guide. Do you, Dmitry, think it is convinient to read two books at the same time?
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 15441
- Зарегистрирован: Ср апр 30, 2003 11:43 am
- Благодарил (а): 3 раза
That's cool:
"...Refer to Oracle9i Database Concepts and the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide to learn about the uses and relationships among Oracle databases, tablespaces, and operating system files. Refer to the Oracle9i Enterprise Edition User's Guide for OS/390 for a discussion of the interaction between Oracle database tools and OS/390 data sets."
I quit.
"...Refer to Oracle9i Database Concepts and the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide to learn about the uses and relationships among Oracle databases, tablespaces, and operating system files. Refer to the Oracle9i Enterprise Edition User's Guide for OS/390 for a discussion of the interaction between Oracle database tools and OS/390 data sets."
I quit.
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