"Two employees of an executive security firm, one who donated $45k to back sheriff and another who now works at Facebook, received permits"
https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/09/19/ ... ce-permit/
Продажная либеральная ** мразь:
https://www.sanjoseinside.com/2019/09/2 ... -donation/
"Five months after executive bodyguard Martin Nielsen donated $45,000 to an independent campaign committee supporting Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith’s re-election, she gave him a hard-to-get concealed gun permit.
On March 26, the same day the sheriff signed off on Nielsen’s permit, she authorized yet another for Rachael Paskvan—one of his colleagues at AS Solution, a multi-national firm that employs bodyguards to protect Silicon Valley’s rich and famous."
** - записана как Republican, что сущности этой продажной мрази не меняет.