Слушай, расскажи крестнику, что в современном мире вполне в порядке вещей когда машина собрана из компонентов саморазных контор. Типа тормоза билштайн, коробка айсин. И дрыгатель даже от другой конторы. И ничо, работает.Sergunka писал(а): Вт июл 17, 2018 8:58 pm Во как раз сегодня мой крестный сын опубликовал статью на сенче
https://www.sencha.com/blog/ext-js-cust ... llisurvey/
тема бабла там так же раскрытацелым параграфом
Крестник реально жжетOur Advice to New Developers
Everything in life comes with a cost and a reward. Ext JS commercial edition comes with a price and a challenging learning curve, but the rewards are well worth it. It is easy to be hesitant in the face of these challenges, but consider that pursuing a “free” open-source stack based on mixing-and-matching various libraries built by independent and non-cohesive 3rd parties will also come at a cost. The greatest expense will be trying to scale your app in depth and across many developers. Whatever dollar amount you might save during the initial impressions will not outweigh the challenges you will face between disjointed systems with independent lifecycles and browser support. It is like buying a car that was put together from components that were built by different car companies who did not talk to one another. Sure, you can force it to work, but do you really want to?![]()
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