Айва писал(а):Бродяга писал(а):Еще один не маловажный фактор - большинство серьезных качей используют стероиды. А сдесь за это сажают. А первый вопрос чайника: "ты где стероиды берешь". Т.е. может ему действительно нужно, а может это FBI.

Бродяга,не подкинешь ссылку на закон,по которому сажают за
использование стероидов?
Спросила у мужа,состроил точно такой же фейс-

А напрасно
By Rick Collins, Criminal Defense Lawyer
Courtesy of Collins, McDonald & Gann
Anabolic steroids are classified as controlled substances under U.S. federal law and the laws of many states. An alleged major East Coast distributor was recently arrested and a stockpile of anabolic pharmaceuticals was reportedly recovered pursuant to a search of his residence. Further police investigations are being conducted, and other athletes are being arrested. Since the non-medical possession or sale of anabolic steroids is illegal, strength athletes must not only consider the possible health risks but also the potential legal consequences of involvement. Many athletes who self-administer anabolics have no clue as to what might happen if they were to be caught by law enforcement. This article includes general information regarding what to do if a person is investigated or arrested in connection with steroids. Whether you are merely curious about anabolics or you are presently using and/or selling them, I invite you to carefully consider the material presented here. Perhaps you will choose to stay natural or become “drug-free” (always the safest bet, medically and legally!). If not, at least you will know the legal risks you are facing and what to do if you find yourself in the unfortunate and serious situation of an investigation or arrest. Obviously, the best time to read this material is before you are arrested.
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