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https://www.jamsadr.com/files/Uploads/D ... s-2014.pdfAdministrative Fees
For two-party matters, JAMS charges a $1,200 Filing
Fee, to be paid by the party initiating the Arbitration.
For matters involving three or more parties, the Filing
Fee is $2,000. A Case Management Fee of 12% will be
assessed against all Professional Fees, including time
spent for hearings, pre- and post-hearing reading and
research and award preparation.
короче ппц, что я буду платить из своего кармана $1,200 Filing Fee из своего кармана если на меня наехали? rather that сделать это всё бесплатно через EEOC
Почему они непишут цену в контракте?
Да мне просто невыгодно изза денег соглашатся на это.
Вот смотрите прикол
The Company will be responsible for paying any filing fee and the fees and costs of the Arbitrator; provided, however, that if I am the party initiating the claim, I will contribute an amount equal to the filing fee to initiate a claim in the court of general jurisdiction in the state in which I am (or was last) employed by the Company.