Оказалось, что Трампа и членов его предвыборной кампании таки поставили на прослушку... но "совершенно случайно", "сами не желая того"
об этом сообщил прессе глава комитета по разведке в палате представителей Дэвин Нуньес
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes писал(а):... the conversations were "incidentally" collected as part of intelligence sweeps focusing on other people and implied that Trump was not the target of the surveillance operation.
He said he discovered accounts of conversations related to Trump and his associates when he was reviewing intelligence reports brought to him by an unidentified person --
and said the information was not related to Russia
Because what I saw has nothing to do with Russia and has nothing to do with the Russian investigations, (and) has everything to do with possible surveillance activities ... the President needs to know these intelligence reports are out there and I have a duty to tell him that
"This is a normal, incidental collection, based on what I could collect," Nunes said.
"This appears to be all legally collected foreign intelligence under" the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/22/politics/ ... index.html