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8. Summary
While muscle protein breakdown is an important process, it doesn’t fluctuate much, which makes it far less important for muscle gains than muscle protein synthesis
Whole-body protein synthesis is not really relevant for athletes. (often just called protein synthesis in studies, don’t confuse it with muscle protein synthesis)
Muscle protein synthesis is predictive for muscle hypertrophy.
Muscle protein synthesis studies are more sensitive to pick up anabolic effects than long-term studies measuring changes in muscle mass
It’s easy to draw wrong conclusions if you don’t fully understand the methods.
How to optimize muscle protein synthesis: exercise guidelines:
Train each muscle group at least twice a week with multiple sets
Rep range doesn’t matter if you train (close?) to failure
Rest at least 2 minutes between sets
How to optimize muscle protein synthesis: nutrition guidelines:
Eat 4-5 meals spread throughout the day: e.g. breakfast, lunch, post-workout shake, dinner, and pre-sleep.
Eat 20-40 g protein at each meal. Amounts above 20 g give a small additional benefit.
Choose animal protein (whey protein is the best). Or compensate by eating larger amount of plant protein.
If your main goal is to build muscle, eat at least maintenance calories.