Так как это был видимо не первый выстрел/взрыв. Там посредине здания такое же отверстиеSlavaS wrote:обратите внимание камера была направлена туда до взрываVоvan wrote:на этом видно снаряд (два, второй пролетает за зданием)
чего это такое что так медленно летит?
and was zoomed
Civilians suffering. The truth.
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
Это гранатомет на треноге в виде пушки переностной, стреляет горизонтально, полет снаряда наблюдаемPrivet wrote:Я не военный, но это явно не миномёт. Мне кажется, что-то типа Града. Двигатель отработал и болванка летит по инерции.
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
Представляю такую ситуацию в США, стране - маме иммигрантов и приютившей голодных и бедных, такую ситуацию с приютом беженцев, как в России. Кто бы открыл свой дом, как это сделали тысячи россиян и пустил в дом их есть и пить, вопрос.piligrim77 wrote:MariKaL wrote:Все российские города помогают беженцам: Челябинск, Свердловск, Ростов и т.д. Осетия!
Украине не нужны ее люди, так нужны России.
http://primamedia.ru/news/primorye/31.0 ... tsita.html
- Как стало известно на заседании ЗС ПК, на сегодняшний день на территории России по разным подсчетам находится около 500 тысяч беженцев с Украины. В основном это городские жители среднего возраста, часто с высшим образованием, абсолютно работоспособные.
Welcome to Russia!31 июля в международный аэропорт "Уфа" прибыло два спецборта МЧС России, доставивших 240 беженцев из Новороссии, среди них 71 ребенок. Об этом ИА REGNUM сообщили в Управлении МЧС России по Башкирии.
"Это пятый и шестой самолеты с беженцами, которые принимает республика, - уточнил первый заместитель начальника ГУ МЧС России по Башкирии Закир Хузяхметов. - В сопровождении сотрудников МЧС и экипажей ГИБДД вынужденные переселенцы доставлены в пункт временного размещения, который развернут на базе профилактория "Родник здоровья".
Здесь беженцам из Новороссии было предоставлено горячее питание, нуждающимся оказана медицинская и психологическая помощь. В качестве гуманитарной помощи нуждающимся было предложено выбрать и забрать с собой теплую одежду. В ближайшее время они будут расселены в пунктах временного размещения в городах Салават и Ишимбай.
Напомним, 70 пунктов временного размещения беженцев на 1412 человек уже развёрнуты на территории городов и районов Башкирии. В ближайшее время планируется создать еще 109 таких пунктов. Всего в республику организованно прибудут 4770 жителей Новороссии. Они распределятся по всей территории региона: сельские районы должны будут принять не менее чем по 50 человек, города - не менее 100 и муниципальные образования, включающие город и район - не менее 150 человек.
Согласно принятым в республике нормативно-правовым документам, компенсация за каждый день пребывания в пунктах временного размещения составляет 800 рублей на человека. В дальнейшем Башкирии будут возмещены расходы на размещения беженцев из федерального бюджета - на эти цели для всех регионов России уже выделено около 5 млрд рублей.
Вот бы России эти 60 тыс. детей, которых Америка будет депортировать! Нашлось бы много желающих помочь детям, здоровым, выросшим и способным учиться и работать.
В целом я вижу, из любой ситуации Россия выходит с большими плюсами.
Выйдет и из этой, обеленная политически и укрепленная финансово, став более независимой от других стран.
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
вот тут я с вами не соглашусь. в России полно детей в детдомах и почему то никто не стремится им помочьMariKaL wrote: Вот бы России эти 60 тыс. детей, которых Америка будет депортировать! Нашлось бы много желающих помочь детям, здоровым, выросшим и способным учиться и работать.
Чем больше я узнаю людей тем больше мне нравятся собаки
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
Все равно бы помогли. Особенно если сироты. Нашлись бы люди, способные им помочь и приютить.
В детдомах полно детей, но это не вина простых россиян. Естественно, в этом система должна быть улучшена.
В детдомах полно детей, но это не вина простых россиян. Естественно, в этом система должна быть улучшена.
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
Тем временем украинская армия разрушила детский лагерь, школу, больницу.
Мальчик плачет: боится войны.
Простые пенсионеры, которых бомбят.
Программа от сегодняшнего числа.
Мальчик плачет: боится войны.
Простые пенсионеры, которых бомбят.
Программа от сегодняшнего числа.
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
Акции памяти жертвам в Одессе прошли в Одессе, Риме, так же в Варшаве. В Софии положили цветы и зажгли свечи в память о том событии в доме профсоюзов
Другие акции поддержки против войны
26 го июля
Антифашистский митинг против войны Украине, прошел в Испании
Митинги ранее
Берлин 22 июля
http://ru-an.info/новости/жители-берлин ... е-украины/
3 июля в Греции
23го июня
Париж и Прага
18 июня Донецк
Другие акции поддержки против войны
26 го июля
Антифашистский митинг против войны Украине, прошел в Испании
Митинги ранее
Берлин 22 июля
http://ru-an.info/новости/жители-берлин ... е-украины/
3 июля в Греции
23го июня
Париж и Прага
18 июня Донецк
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
http://othereal.ru/lico-zhenshhiny-v-ne ... /#comments

Необычное явление можно было наблюдать в Красном Лимане.
В Красном Лимане Донецкой области люди сфотографировали громадное человеческое лицо прямо в небе. 3 февраля 2012 года.
Рядом что-то, похожее на беса.
Похоже, через стекло фоткали, вот и лицо отзеркалилось.

Необычное явление можно было наблюдать в Красном Лимане.
В Красном Лимане Донецкой области люди сфотографировали громадное человеческое лицо прямо в небе. 3 февраля 2012 года.
Рядом что-то, похожее на беса.
Похоже, через стекло фоткали, вот и лицо отзеркалилось.
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- Joined: 24 Sep 2012 02:34
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- Joined: 24 Sep 2012 02:34
Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
Луганск обстрелян ракетами точка-У! После фосфорных бомб и прицельных удaров по жилым кварталам.
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
http://www.eturbonews.com/49170/alleged ... eas-donets
Aug 16, 2014
Latest reports from Kiev indicate a possible victory for Ukrainian forces in taking back rebel held regions in Donetsk and Luhansk. According to reports Rebel leaders are fleeing. This is disputed by the other side.
Highly disturbing news emerge by eTN sources and eyewitness reports from Donetsk yesterday alleging the use of White Phosphorus bombs in civilian areas in Donetsk by the Ukrainian army.
According to eTN sources in Donetsk WP bombs landed in residential areas in Donetsk at the Lenin district of Donetsk city, Petrovski district of Donetsk city and near railway station Mandrykino.
Using lethal white phosphorus bombs in civilian areas violate most international treaties and could be considered war crimes.
The question remains how the United States of America and the European Union can give blind and unconditional support to the nationalist Kiev government of Ukraine? The question remains why children, disabled civilians, mostly regular citizens had to die every minute under bombs thrown at them by their own government?
These lethal bombs are called White Phosphorus(WP). WP burns on the skin are deep and painful; a firm eschar is produced and is surrounded by vesiculation. The burns usually are multiple, deep, and variable in size. The solid in the eye produces severe injury.
The particles continue to burn unless deprived of atmospheric oxygen. Contact with these particles can cause local burns. These weapons are particularly nasty because white phosphorus continues to burn until it disappears. Usually they burn right down to the bone. Burns usually are limited to areas of exposed skin (upper extremities, face). Burns frequently are second and third degree because of the rapid ignition and highly lipophilic properties of white phosphorus.
The situation in Luhansk without electricity, water and food can be compared with activities used when committing genocide. Ukrainian forces isolated East Ukrainian city and are not allowing water, food and medicine through after destroying electricity and communication services. According to an eyewitness statement Ukrainian army check points let travelers drive to the Eastern Ukraine, but no one is able to leave the Eastern part of the country. It's like a big prison with hundred thousands of people and without food, water and electricity.
The Ukrainian Army claims they are in the final stages of freeing the city of Donetsk from the local militia. Pro-Kiev forces are using heavy artillery, such as rocket launchers, against a city with a population close to 1 million (approximately 950,000 citizens).
Further scenes of devastation are emerging from across the city, with many buildings burned out or riddled with shell-holes. A large number of private homes in Donetsk have been burned down as firefighters fail to extinguish fires caused by shelling.
At least 74 people, including children, have been killed in the city in the last three days.
Donetsk has come under constant fire from the Ukrainian Army since May and has already suffered at least 128 attacks. According to the statistics of the Donetsk People’s Republic, at least 839 people have died in these attacks over the last three months.
Another regional center, the city of Lugansk, remains a hot spot on the war map, being under siege for practically two weeks now. City hospitals are running out of supplies, whereas the gas stations have already run out of fuel altogether.
The population of the city, facing a looming humanitarian crisis, has almost halved, RIA Novosti reports. The food supply is unstable, which has already led to price hikes and public transport is dwindling, while garbage disposal has been suspended. Potable water treatment facilities have no more chemical agents for the disinfection of water.
The Ukrainian Army and National Guard have continued shelling communities and residential areas around the regional center of Donetsk - all with the support of the EU and US.
One of them, the small town of Ilovaisk, some 35 kilometers from Donetsk, has been shelled day and night for the last nine days. After Ukrainian troops failed to capture the town, pro-Kiev forces besieged it and began shelling residential areas.
Though the self-defense forces have announced recently that they managed to break the enemy chain around the town, the heavy shelling continues.
Rockets from Grad multiple missile launchers fired by the Ukrainian Army have destroyed a local railway wagon factory, a Maintenance and Repair Department, a children's camp and a boiler house. In addition, they have damaged a large number of private dwellings, RIA Novosti reports.
he Ukrainian National Guard is deliberately shelling gas stations to cut supplies of natural gas to the town, Russian news agencies reported.
Several thousand citizens who could not evacuate from the town because of a lack of transport due to constant shelling are hiding in the cellars 24 hours a day. The victims of the shelling are being buried in parks and dooryards because the ongoing battle prevents citizens from burying their relatives in cemeteries.
Both electricity and water supply in Ilovaisk have been restricted, so even firefighting teams do not respond to emergency calls.
The locals say they cannot establish the real number of dead and wounded because of the absence of any authorities in the town.
In Grabovo village a device, most probably a Tochka-U ballistic missile, has left a crater eight meters deep.
In Gorlovka, shells destroyed a recreation center, a shopping center and a marketplace.
In one place, the small town of Zugres, local authorities say 15 people, including three children, died.
Ukrainian troops are trying to cut the connections between militia forces in Donetsk and Lugansk, but so far their efforts have been in vain.
In the meantime, the Lugansk self-defense militia has launched a counteroffensive against the Ukrainian Army, blocking a unit of servicemen near Miusinsk and inflicting a defeat on Kiev’s troops near the town of Krasny Luch.
Aug 16, 2014
Latest reports from Kiev indicate a possible victory for Ukrainian forces in taking back rebel held regions in Donetsk and Luhansk. According to reports Rebel leaders are fleeing. This is disputed by the other side.
Highly disturbing news emerge by eTN sources and eyewitness reports from Donetsk yesterday alleging the use of White Phosphorus bombs in civilian areas in Donetsk by the Ukrainian army.
According to eTN sources in Donetsk WP bombs landed in residential areas in Donetsk at the Lenin district of Donetsk city, Petrovski district of Donetsk city and near railway station Mandrykino.
Using lethal white phosphorus bombs in civilian areas violate most international treaties and could be considered war crimes.
The question remains how the United States of America and the European Union can give blind and unconditional support to the nationalist Kiev government of Ukraine? The question remains why children, disabled civilians, mostly regular citizens had to die every minute under bombs thrown at them by their own government?
These lethal bombs are called White Phosphorus(WP). WP burns on the skin are deep and painful; a firm eschar is produced and is surrounded by vesiculation. The burns usually are multiple, deep, and variable in size. The solid in the eye produces severe injury.
The particles continue to burn unless deprived of atmospheric oxygen. Contact with these particles can cause local burns. These weapons are particularly nasty because white phosphorus continues to burn until it disappears. Usually they burn right down to the bone. Burns usually are limited to areas of exposed skin (upper extremities, face). Burns frequently are second and third degree because of the rapid ignition and highly lipophilic properties of white phosphorus.
The situation in Luhansk without electricity, water and food can be compared with activities used when committing genocide. Ukrainian forces isolated East Ukrainian city and are not allowing water, food and medicine through after destroying electricity and communication services. According to an eyewitness statement Ukrainian army check points let travelers drive to the Eastern Ukraine, but no one is able to leave the Eastern part of the country. It's like a big prison with hundred thousands of people and without food, water and electricity.
The Ukrainian Army claims they are in the final stages of freeing the city of Donetsk from the local militia. Pro-Kiev forces are using heavy artillery, such as rocket launchers, against a city with a population close to 1 million (approximately 950,000 citizens).
Further scenes of devastation are emerging from across the city, with many buildings burned out or riddled with shell-holes. A large number of private homes in Donetsk have been burned down as firefighters fail to extinguish fires caused by shelling.
At least 74 people, including children, have been killed in the city in the last three days.
Donetsk has come under constant fire from the Ukrainian Army since May and has already suffered at least 128 attacks. According to the statistics of the Donetsk People’s Republic, at least 839 people have died in these attacks over the last three months.
Another regional center, the city of Lugansk, remains a hot spot on the war map, being under siege for practically two weeks now. City hospitals are running out of supplies, whereas the gas stations have already run out of fuel altogether.
The population of the city, facing a looming humanitarian crisis, has almost halved, RIA Novosti reports. The food supply is unstable, which has already led to price hikes and public transport is dwindling, while garbage disposal has been suspended. Potable water treatment facilities have no more chemical agents for the disinfection of water.
The Ukrainian Army and National Guard have continued shelling communities and residential areas around the regional center of Donetsk - all with the support of the EU and US.
One of them, the small town of Ilovaisk, some 35 kilometers from Donetsk, has been shelled day and night for the last nine days. After Ukrainian troops failed to capture the town, pro-Kiev forces besieged it and began shelling residential areas.
Though the self-defense forces have announced recently that they managed to break the enemy chain around the town, the heavy shelling continues.
Rockets from Grad multiple missile launchers fired by the Ukrainian Army have destroyed a local railway wagon factory, a Maintenance and Repair Department, a children's camp and a boiler house. In addition, they have damaged a large number of private dwellings, RIA Novosti reports.
he Ukrainian National Guard is deliberately shelling gas stations to cut supplies of natural gas to the town, Russian news agencies reported.
Several thousand citizens who could not evacuate from the town because of a lack of transport due to constant shelling are hiding in the cellars 24 hours a day. The victims of the shelling are being buried in parks and dooryards because the ongoing battle prevents citizens from burying their relatives in cemeteries.
Both electricity and water supply in Ilovaisk have been restricted, so even firefighting teams do not respond to emergency calls.
The locals say they cannot establish the real number of dead and wounded because of the absence of any authorities in the town.
In Grabovo village a device, most probably a Tochka-U ballistic missile, has left a crater eight meters deep.
In Gorlovka, shells destroyed a recreation center, a shopping center and a marketplace.
In one place, the small town of Zugres, local authorities say 15 people, including three children, died.
Ukrainian troops are trying to cut the connections between militia forces in Donetsk and Lugansk, but so far their efforts have been in vain.
In the meantime, the Lugansk self-defense militia has launched a counteroffensive against the Ukrainian Army, blocking a unit of servicemen near Miusinsk and inflicting a defeat on Kiev’s troops near the town of Krasny Luch.
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Re: Civilians suffering. The truth.
вот они - носители демократии
собрали для карателей еды в то время как голодают мирные люди, которым удалось выжить под обстрелами бендеровцев
собрали для карателей еды в то время как голодают мирные люди, которым удалось выжить под обстрелами бендеровцев
Литва предоставила шесть тонн гуманитарки для украинских военных в АТО
Больше читайте здесь: http://ru.tsn.ua/ukrayina/litva-predost ... 84523.html
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