Capricorn писал(а):Кстати, с удивлением прочитал:Infineon considers leaving Germany
The computer chip producer Infineon has threatened to relocate its headquarters if Chancellor Schr&der goes through with proposed tax changes. Industry insiders say CEO Ulrich Schumacher is considering moving Infineon from Munich to Switzerland. Infineon has been deliberating whether to move for months with an eye on lowering its tax burden. "Compared to our foreign competitors, we already have tax disadvantages that are hardly acceptable anymore," Schumacher told Reuters recently. Last year the firm did not pay any taxes due to operative losses of billions of euros.
Насколько ето серьезно?
надоело им налоги платить на поддержание социалистического заповедника...а тут многие туда смотрят и вздыхают: нам бы так!