JAKARTA - Echoing a wider move away from the US dollar, the Indonesian government and the central bank, Bank Indonesia, may begin to use the euro in export-import transactions and foreign-exchange reserves.
The statement was made by Finance Minister Boediono, Bank Indonesia governor Syahril Sabirin and senior deputy governor Anwar here on the weekend in connection with state oil company Pertamina's plan to use the euro in its trade transactions.
vaduz wrote:Предположим, евро заборол доллар, экономика США рухнула, промышленность не способна конкурировать, товары за фантики никто не поставляет, дестабилизирована ситуация внутри страны. Штаты переключаются на внутренние проблемы, передислоцируют армию из-за рубежа внутрь страны, внешние проблемы перестают интересовать, т.к. их решение уже внутренним делам не поможет. Что будет происходить в мире после ухода мирового жандарма? Вспомним распад СССР, даже ослабление давления извне привело к десятку локальных конфликтов (из крупных: Карабах, Приднестровье, Северная Осетия, Абхазия, Чечня, Таджикистан).
Оно Европе нужно?
Оно и Америке не нужно. Сколько так называемых американских компаний являются транснациональными? Тут постоянно ведутся разговоры о неглобализированной экономике. А она в значительной части глобализирована, то есть, очень чувствительна к изменениям. Ну, пойдут у такой транснациональной корпорации очень плохо дела в Европе или в Америке - и что? Это кризис всей корпорации. И плохо будет всем, исключая разве что Фиделя и тов. Ким Чен Ира. Но есть политики, которые этого не понимают.
Guardian wrote: Independent Strategy sees the weakening dollar as the fourth strand in the decline of empire.
"The dollar will go on down because the good empire has the same faultlines as many other empires: unsustainable living standards at the core depend on flows of wealth from the periphery," says Independent Strategy in terms that would not be out of a place in a Marxist textbook. "The US no longer earns the return needed to sustain these flows. The costs of war and unilateralism will increase the thirst for capital, but reduce the return earned by it."
In plain English, America relies on the rest of the world to finance its deficits. The rest of the world was happy to do so when the US economy was strong and returns were high, but investors will put their cash elsewhere if America looks weak economically. America borrows hundreds of millions of dollars from the rest of the world each day to cover its savings gap and, under George Bush, US dependence on foreign capital is set to increase.
Неуютно станет быть американцем. Не только в мусульманских странах, но и в Европе, России, Азиии. Станут показывать пальцем и называть нехорошими словами. Одна надежда на чернокожих братьев из Африки да на королевство Тонга.
US Dollars Exported To Pay Iraqi Civil Servants Wed Apr 16 2003 11:41:36 ET
As the U.S. turns from bombing Iraq to rebuilding it, the U.S. government is airlifting dollars from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to replace - - at least temporarily -- the discredited Iraqi currency!
The WALL STREET JOURNAL is reporting on Wednesday: As an initial step, American officials charged with the reconstruction will use small- denomination bills to make 'emergency' payments to hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civil servants in an effort to quiet civic unrest and to stabilize the chaotic Iraqi economy.
Using U.S. dollars will make the U.S. currency the de facto currency, at least in the interim -- a move that could prove controversial in the Arab world, but one that would give the Iraqis a currency that will retain its value despite the uncertainties about the country's reconstruction.
Tokyo, April 17 (Bloomberg) -- Pertamina, Indonesia's state oil company, dropped a bombshell recently. It's considering dropping the U.S. dollar for the euro in its oil and gas trades.
With war unfolding in Iraq and a mysterious pneumonia spreading around Asia, few noticed. News that Indonesian government officials favor the euro also fell through the cracks. Yet it could have major implications for the world's biggest economy.
Other Asian countries may not be far behind any move in Indonesia to dump the dollar. The reasons for this are economic and political, and they could trigger a realignment that undermines U.S. bond and stock markets over time.
Indonesia's rationale: The dollar may be the world's reserve currency but it has become too volatile. ``One thing is for sure, the adoption of the euro as an alternative means of payments could be an effective solution to speculative dollar-oriented dealings,'' Indonesia's Vice President Hamzah Haz said last month.
Conspiracy theorists can rest easy. None of this has anything to do with the fact Indonesia is home to the world's largest Muslim population. Rumors of Southeast Asian Muslims and Arabs banding together and dumping dollars to stick it to the U.S. ignore the very real economic justifications for it. This also isn't necessarily about Iraq-related tensions.
Last year's accounting scandals shook many Asians' trust in the U.S. economy. The view here is that little has been done to reform the system. News that a unit of Halliburton Co., formerly run by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, already won a post-Iraq war contract has Asians buzzing about American-style crony- capitalism -- much like the U.S. used to complain about Asian cronyism.
little alien wrote:Неуютно станет быть американцем. Не только в мусульманских странах, но и в Европе, России, Азиии. Станут показывать пальцем и называть нехорошими словами. Одна надежда на чернокожих братьев из Африки да на королевство Тонга.
Ну и что, кстати, хорошего? У нас тут была передача об американцах в Италии (а их 180 000 - проживающих постоянно и временно по работе). Многие жаловались на недружественное отношение итальянцев в массе (кроме знакомых) после начала военных действий. Особенно жаль было одного парня, который изучает итальнское искусство. Он спрашивает: "Причем тут я, разве можно о человеке судить по тому, что делает его правительство?". Миссионеры и демократизаторы дома сидят - во friendly environment, а те, кто уезжает за рубеж, - это люди до некоторой степени особенные, им-то за что доставаться должно? Это всё равно что многим до боли знакомая ситуация.: три водителя загуляли или поломали автобусы, один по-честному вышел на маршрут, и ему как раз досталось от долго ждавших автобус пассажиров.
CBI wrote: Other Asian countries may not be far behind any move in Indonesia to dump the dollar. The reasons for this are economic and political, and they could trigger a realignment that undermines U.S. bond and stock markets over time.
Indonesia's rationale: The dollar may be the world's reserve currency but it has become too volatile. ``One thing is for sure, the adoption of the euro as an alternative means of payments could be an effective solution to speculative dollar-oriented dealings,'' Indonesia's Vice President Hamzah Haz said last month.
Да за ради бога... Главное что бы за US долг отдавали $. Wednesday, 2 October, 2002 BBC:
The United States has agreed to reschedule $500m of Indonesia's debts. The agreement "gives Indonesia the most favourable terms the US government is able to offer", the US embassy in Jakarta said. "It offers Indonesia breathing room as it continues to recover from the economic crisis." The agreement followed France's resent rescheduling of about $380m of debts owed by Indonesia. Germany is expected to follow suit, perhaps as early as Wednesday, and reschedule $100m debts which Indonesia owes.