Sergey___K писал(а):Может кому надо, что касается Российских интересов the longer term, a new Iraq government must decide whether to honor oil development contracts signed by Russia and China, analysts said.When the Iraqi Oil Ministry is back in operation, it will face the issue of the Russian and Chinese contracts. Lukoil, Russia's biggest oil firm, and two smaller firms, Zarubezhneft and Machinoimport, signed a $3.5 billion deal to tap the 15 billion-barrel reserve in the West Qurna field northwest of Basra. Similarly, the China National Petroleum Corp. and Northern Industries Corp., a Chinese-owned weapons and industrial conglomerate, signed a $1.3 billion pact with Hussein to develop the al-Ahdab field in central Iraq, which is believed to hold 360 million barrels of oil.
Neither consortium did much more than preliminary work in the two fields, and the Iraqis voided the Lukoil deal last December, saying the firm had failed to live up to its obligations to develop West Qurna field. Lukoil seemed unwilling to start in the face of the continuing U.N. sanctions.
Ну вот как раз этот вопрос может решиться очень просто, если у России, Франции и других стран хватит политической воли - пока Ирак не признает свои долги и заключенные прежним режимом контракты, никаких санкций ООН с него не снимать. Пускай, как и прежде, для покупки каждого карандаша спрашивают специальное разрешение в Совете Безопасности.