Чем грозит критика Буша в Америке
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Чем грозит критика Буша в Америке
Солистка популярной каунтри-группы Dixie Chicks сказала в Лондоне, что ей стыдно, что президент Буш - из Техаса.
Теперь музыку этой группы удаляют из программ радиостанций по всей Америке.
Напоминает "1984", но, похоже, правда - информация от СНН. Современная, понимаешь, американская действительность.
Теперь музыку этой группы удаляют из программ радиостанций по всей Америке.
Напоминает "1984", но, похоже, правда - информация от СНН. Современная, понимаешь, американская действительность.
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Re: Чем грозит критика Буша в Америке
MarmotL wrote:...Напоминает "1984", но, похоже, правда - информация от СНН. Современная, понимаешь, американская действительность...
... полный отстой. Обыкновенный "совок", только хуже.
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Ну а давным-давно была такая певица Sinhead O'Connor. Вся прогрессивная такая. Правда один раз на сцене публично что-то сказала против римского папы, разгневанная аудитория закидала ее всем, что под руку попадалось, и с тех пор никто про нее ничего не слышал.
Слушатели кантри - на 99% люди консервативных убеждений, а нарочно злить свою собственную аудиторию может только дурак.
При чем здесь 1984.
Слушатели кантри - на 99% люди консервативных убеждений, а нарочно злить свою собственную аудиторию может только дурак.
При чем здесь 1984.
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vaduz wrote:То, что по CNN этот материал прошел - ничего удивительного. В заметке они говорят, что все сделано "идя навстречу пожеланиям трудящихся", то бишь разгневанных слушателей. Инициатива снизу, так сказать...
А что, такого быть не может?
Слушатели кантри принадлежат к категории, которую здесь именуют "реднеками". Высказывание этих певиц для них - практически прямое оскорбление, а как я уже сказал, оскорблять свою аудиторию может только дурак.
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Sol Badguy wrote:Ну а давным-давно была такая певица Синхеад ОьЦоннор. Вся прогрессивная такая. Правда один раз на сцене публично что-то сказала против римского папы, разгневанная аудитория закидала ее всем, что под руку попадалось, и с тех пор никто про нее ничего не слышал.
Она и сеичас есть. В году 95-97 он разорвала фотографию Папы на Life ТВ во время трансляции Saturday Night Life, некоторые католики-актеры отказались выхдодить на прошальныи поклон вместе с неи.
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On 3 October 1992, the Irish rock singer Sinead O'Connor was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. For her first song, Sinead performed the title track from her most recent album, Am I Not Your Girl? with a full backing band. For her second, she went with "War," a song by Bob Marley that had once been banned for its apparent advocacy of violence. In a very risky move, musically speaking, Sinead performed the song a capella. Dressed all in white, surrounded by candles and (as usual) shaven-headed, she was a riveting sight. With NBC-TV's cameras focused in-tight on her, Sinead ended her "War" by crying for another one to begin. "Fight the real enemy!" she called, and, out of nowhere, produced a copy of a photograph of Pope John Paul II, which she ripped into pieces. There was stunned silence, and then the station went to a commercial.
The NBC switchboard was immediately inundated by complaints (supposedly 4,484 in all) called in by outraged viewers. Denunciations of Sinead's "blasphemy" poured forth from all kinds of religious figures and celebrities, including Frank Sinatra, who was quoted as saying he wanted to "punch" the singer "right in the mouth." NBC was eventually fined $2.5 million dollars by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which had never before fined the network for content aired on Saturday Night Live.
In the meantime, Sinead herself said nothing about what she'd done or why she'd done it. (Simply changing one of Marley's lines so that it referred to "sexual abuse" instead of "racial injustice," as Sinead had done in mid-song, hadn't been sufficient explanation and so the press was filled with lurid denunciations of her.) When she returned to the United States on 16 October 1992 to perform at a birthday concert for Bob Dylan at Madison Square Garden in New York, Sinead was greeted by a weird mixture of cheers and boos. Despite the severely divided response to her presence, she once again sang an a cappella version of "War." Once she was done, she staggered offstage, where she was comforted by Kris Kristofferson. Shortly thereafter, Sinead O'Connor permanently retired from the "pop" entertainment industry.
Eventually, Sinead O'Connor made her peace with the Pope. On 22 September 1997, in an interview with the Italian weekly newspaper Vita, she asked the Holy Father to forgive her. She claimed that her attack on the photo had been "a ridiculous act, the gesture of a girl rebel," which she did "because I was in rebellion against the faith, but I was still within the faith." Quoting St. Augustine, she went on to add, "Anger is the first step towards courage." Another courageous step Sinead took in the late 1990s was to join the congregation of the controversial Irish Bishop Michael Cox, who eventually ordained Sinead as a priest. Lacking a sense of humor, the Vatican has refused to recognize Sinead's membership in the priesthood, which the Pope considers "bizarre." This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but the Pope is right: Sinead's story is a bizarre one.
The NBC switchboard was immediately inundated by complaints (supposedly 4,484 in all) called in by outraged viewers. Denunciations of Sinead's "blasphemy" poured forth from all kinds of religious figures and celebrities, including Frank Sinatra, who was quoted as saying he wanted to "punch" the singer "right in the mouth." NBC was eventually fined $2.5 million dollars by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which had never before fined the network for content aired on Saturday Night Live.
In the meantime, Sinead herself said nothing about what she'd done or why she'd done it. (Simply changing one of Marley's lines so that it referred to "sexual abuse" instead of "racial injustice," as Sinead had done in mid-song, hadn't been sufficient explanation and so the press was filled with lurid denunciations of her.) When she returned to the United States on 16 October 1992 to perform at a birthday concert for Bob Dylan at Madison Square Garden in New York, Sinead was greeted by a weird mixture of cheers and boos. Despite the severely divided response to her presence, she once again sang an a cappella version of "War." Once she was done, she staggered offstage, where she was comforted by Kris Kristofferson. Shortly thereafter, Sinead O'Connor permanently retired from the "pop" entertainment industry.
Eventually, Sinead O'Connor made her peace with the Pope. On 22 September 1997, in an interview with the Italian weekly newspaper Vita, she asked the Holy Father to forgive her. She claimed that her attack on the photo had been "a ridiculous act, the gesture of a girl rebel," which she did "because I was in rebellion against the faith, but I was still within the faith." Quoting St. Augustine, she went on to add, "Anger is the first step towards courage." Another courageous step Sinead took in the late 1990s was to join the congregation of the controversial Irish Bishop Michael Cox, who eventually ordained Sinead as a priest. Lacking a sense of humor, the Vatican has refused to recognize Sinead's membership in the priesthood, which the Pope considers "bizarre." This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but the Pope is right: Sinead's story is a bizarre one.
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Re: Чем грозит критика Буша в Америке
MarmotL wrote:Солистка популярной каунтри-группы Dixie Chicks сказала в Лондоне, что ей стыдно, что президент Буш - из Техаса.
Associated Press
Angry phone calls flooded Nashville radio station WKDF-FM on Thursday, some calling for a boycott of the Texas trio's music.
The group released a statement Thursday saying they have been overseas for several weeks and ``the anti-American sentiment that has unfolded here is astounding. While we support our troops, there is nothing more frightening than the notion of going to war with Iraq and the prospect of all the innocent lives that will be lost.''
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Удивлятся не стоит. К сожалению, в США сейчас очень сильны тоталитарные тенденции и высказывание вслух оппозиционных взглядов может быть опасным.
Кстати, на CNN сегодня муссировали вопрос что более патриотично - выступать за войну или против войны. Абсолютное большинство опрашиваемых на улице не понимало маразматичности этого вопроса.
Station managers said their decisions were prompted by calls from irate listeners who thought criticism of the president was unpatriotic.
Кстати, на CNN сегодня муссировали вопрос что более патриотично - выступать за войну или против войны. Абсолютное большинство опрашиваемых на улице не понимало маразматичности этого вопроса.
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Privet wrote:Удивлятся не стоит. К сожалению, в США сейчас очень сильны тоталитарные тенденции и высказывание вслух оппозиционных взглядов может быть опасным.
Борис, а в чём это выражается?
На улицах полно народу, листовок и транспарантов всяких антибушевских - совершенно очевидно, высказывание взглядов, отличных от президентских, имеет массовый характер и не пресекается. Прогисходит что-то, что неизвестно широким массам?
Пример чикс не годится. Чиксы чего только не скажут, чтоб в прессе освещение получить - а то народ забудет их после стандартных двадцати недель в хит-параде "Чикс Мэгэзин" и грэмми зв чики-музыку.
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Re: Чем грозит критика Буша в Америке
Capricorn wrote:MarmotL wrote:Солистка популярной каунтри-группы Dixie Chicks сказала в Лондоне, что ей стыдно, что президент Буш - из Техаса.
Associated PressAngry phone calls flooded Nashville radio station WKDF-FM on Thursday, some calling for a boycott of the Texas trio's music.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines was singing a new tune late Friday, this time in the form of an apology to President Bush for saying she was ashamed that he was from Texas.
"As a concerned American citizen, I apologize to President Bush because my remark was disrespectful. I feel that whoever holds that office should be treated with the utmost respect," Maines said in her latest statement.
It was fast ...
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