Здесь все в одной куче, кто должен это разбирать? Раздели по крупным проектам, по позициям в разных отделах, и тп.kuznec76 wrote: 2. Sep.2004 –Feb. 2011 / Moscow Boeing Design Center (MBDC) / Dept. Structure 1, Sustaine / Leading design engineer (DE3)/ Everett, WA, USA and Moscow, Russia.
Related projects: Boeing -747-400, 747-LCF, 747-8F, 747-8I, 787, Superjet-100
• Designed body joins, splice fittings, splice straps and skin panels in transition zone for the section 44 and 46. Project: 747-LCF.
• Created the wing fueling system installation, plastic and metal parts (pipes, fittings, joints). Project: Superjet-100.
• Managed the project of Lower Lobe Cargo Door superpanel. Composed layout for this panel, distributed the work with the Moscow team, designed skins, stringers, frames, fittings, doublers, assemblies and installations.
• Worked as a sustain, liaison engineer to support the assembly and production on the main assembly line in Everett, WA for sections 44, 46 and Cargo Furnishing. Investigated the problem cases, made the decisions by redesigning the structure or interior elements, distributed the work with the team. Projects: 747-8f,-8I,-400.
• Designed the composite frames for section 49. Project: 787.
• Transferred the old Catia V4 models to Catia V5. Supported the assembly of 747 for the project Cargo Furnishing. Project: 747-8I, -8f.
• Performed 14 long business trips to Everett, WA to the Boeing main assembly plant.
7 лет на одном месте, и без повышения??? Это не оценят. Впечатление, что ты просто ковырялся под чужим руководством - worked, designed, transferred. Use strong dynamic words - achieved, organized, established, managed, etc.
Огромный + если ты работал по разным направлениям и чего-то там добился или улучшил. То есть тебя ценили, двигали, ставили на новые проекты.