Orbitord wrote:[ "...deny other nations such capabilities", это факт телевизионный/документальный.
Google говорит:
No results found for "deny other nations such capabilities"
На гугле цензура , пользуйтесь яндексом
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 00791.html
..."No nation, no non-state actor, should be under the illusion that the United States will tolerate a denial of our right to the use of space for peaceful purposes," said Joseph, undersecretary for arms control and international security.
"We reserve the right to defend ourselves against hostile attacks and interference with our space assets. We will, therefore, oppose others who wish to use their military capabilities to impede or deny our access to and use of space. We will seek the best capabilities to protect our space assets by active or passive means."
The administration insists that there is no arms race in space, although the United States is the only nation that opposed a recent United Nations call for talks on keeping weapons out of space. ...
http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Pentago ... e_999.html
..."The United States views purposeful interference with its space systems as an infringement on its rights and will take actions necessary to preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space including denying, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to U.S. national interests," Major General James Armor, director of the National Security Space Office said at a congressional hearings...
"The response to threats to our space capabilities must include... capabilities to deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space in order to protect our capabilities, ensure our terrestrial forces and keep the U.S. homeland safe," he said.
"Войны не будет, но будет такая борьба за мир..."(с)
Last edited by OleZenit on 10 Jan 2012 19:34, edited 1 time in total.
"The Learning Channel: “a place for learning minds”The channel was founded in 1972 and was originally dedicated to be an informative/instructional network focused on providing real education through the medium of TV. At one point it was known as Appalachian Community Service Network.[1] In November 1980 the channel became known as "The Learning Channel", subsequently shortened to "TLC."[2] The channel mostly featured documentary content pertaining to nature, science, history, current events, medicine, technology, cooking, home improvement and other information-based topics."
Лихо ребята заворачивают, как про нерасширение НАТО Горбачеву:
"Our objectives are to improve safety, stability, and security in space; to maintain and
enhance the strategic national security advantages afforded to the United States by space; and to energize the space industrial base that supports U.S. national security. Achieving
these objectives will mean not only that our military and intelligence communities can
continue to use space for national security purposes, but that a community of nations is
working toward creating a sustainable and peaceful space environment to benefit the
world for years to come."
"...Active U.S. leadership in space requires a whole-of-government approach that integrates
all elements of national power, from technological prowess and industrial capacity to
alliance building and diplomatic engagement. Leadership cannot be predicated on
declaratory policy alone. It must build upon a willingness to maintain strategic
advantages while working with the international community to develop collective norms,
share information, and collaborate on capabilities."
Вот еще "недвусмысленно", и под это можно подвести все что угодно:
"We will improve our intelligence posture – predictive awareness, characterization,
warning, and attribution – to better monitor and attribute activities in the space domain.
Thus, SSA and foundational intelligence will continue to be top priorities, as they
underpin our ability to maintain awareness of natural disturbances and the capabilities,
activities, and intentions of others. We will also enable and develop intelligence
professionals who can provide greater scope, depth, and quality of intelligence collection
and analysis."
National Security Space Guidelines
The Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with other appropriate heads of departments and agencies, shall:
••Develop, acquire, and operate space systems and supporting information systems and networks to support U.S. national security and enable defense and intelligence operations during times of peace, crisis, and conflict;
••Ensure cost-effective survivability of space capabilities, including supporting information systems and networks, commensurate with their planned use, the consequences of lost or degraded capability, the threat, and the availability of other means to perform the mission;
••Reinvigorate U.S. leadership by promoting technology development, improving industrial capacity, and maintaining a robust supplier base necessary to support our most critical national security interests;
••Develop and implement plans, procedures, techniques, and capabilities necessary to assure critical national security space-enabled missions. Options for mission assurance may include rapid restoration of space assets and leveraging allied, foreign, and/or commercial space and nonspace capabilities to help perform the mission;
••Maintain and integrate space surveillance, intelligence, and other information to develop accurate and timely SSA. SSA information shall be used to support national and homeland security, civil space agencies, particularly human space flight activities, and commercial and foreign space operations;
••Improve, develop, and demonstrate, in cooperation with relevant departments and agencies and commercial and foreign entities, the ability to rapidly detect, warn, characterize, and attribute natural and man-made disturbances to space systems of U.S. interest; and
••Develop and apply advanced technologies and capabilities that respond to changes to the threat environment.
The Secretary of Defense shall:
••Be responsible, with support from the Director of National Intelligence, for the development, acquisition, operation, maintenance, and modernization of SSA capabilities;
••Develop capabilities, plans, and options to deter, defend against, and, if necessary, defeat efforts to interfere with or attack U.S. or allied space systems;
••Maintain the capabilities to execute the space support, force enhancement, space control, and force application missions; and
••Provide, as launch agent for both the defense and intelligence sectors, reliable, affordable, and timely space access for national security purposes.
The Director of National Intelligence shall:
••Enhance foundational intelligence collection and single- and all-source intelligence analysis;
••Develop, obtain, and operate space capabilities to support strategic goals, intelligence priorities, and assigned tasks;
••Provide robust, timely, and effective collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of information on foreign space and supporting information system activities;
••Develop and enhance innovative analytic tools and techniques to use and share information from traditional and nontraditional sources for understanding foreign space-related activities;
••Identify and characterize current and future threats to U.S. space missions for the purposes of enabling effective protection, deterrence, and defense;
••Integrate all-source intelligence of foreign space capabilities and intentions with space surveillance information to produce enhanced intelligence products that support SSA;
••Support national defense and homeland security planning and satisfy operational requirements as a major intelligence mission;
••Support monitoring, compliance, and verification for transparency and confidence-building measures and, if applicable, arms control agreements; and
••Coordinate on any radiofrequency surveys from space conducted by United States Government departments or agencies and review, as appropriate, any radiofrequency surveys from space conducted by licensed private sector operators or by state and local governments.
"The Learning Channel: “a place for learning minds”The channel was founded in 1972 and was originally dedicated to be an informative/instructional network focused on providing real education through the medium of TV. At one point it was known as Appalachian Community Service Network.[1] In November 1980 the channel became known as "The Learning Channel", subsequently shortened to "TLC."[2] The channel mostly featured documentary content pertaining to nature, science, history, current events, medicine, technology, cooking, home improvement and other information-based topics."
Вот полный список их шоу. Вы в каком про космос видели?
19 Kids and Counting
A Conception Story
Cake Boss
DC Cupcakes
Extreme Couponing
Fabulous Cakes
Four Weddings
Freaky Eaters
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Home Made Simple
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
Kate Plus 8
Kitchen Boss
LA Ink
The Little Couple
Little People, Big World
My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding
My Strange Addiction
Next Great Baker
NY Ink
Police Women of Broward County
Say Yes to the Dress
Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta
Say Yes to the Dress: Big Bliss
Sister Wives
Strange Sex
TLC Casting
TLC Summer
Toddlers & Tiaras
What Not to Wear
PS. Просто вычеркните TLC, скажите что по Science channel видели или по Conspiracy TV.
Верю, что видели, не верю, что по TLC.
Круто, космический чиновник брякнул полный бред и даже в этом случае нашлись те, кто начали защищать его точку зрения
А то с такими успехами скоро ракеты вообще взлетать перестанут и придется срочно придумывать гипотезу о том, что злые американцы силовое поле поставили.
vaduz wrote:
Вот полный список их шоу. Вы в каком про космос видели?
19 Kids and Counting
A Conception Story
Cake Boss
DC Cupcakes
Extreme Couponing
Fabulous Cakes
Four Weddings
Freaky Eaters
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Home Made Simple
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
Kate Plus 8
Kitchen Boss
LA Ink
The Little Couple
Little People, Big World
My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding
My Strange Addiction
Next Great Baker
NY Ink
Police Women of Broward County
Say Yes to the Dress
Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta
Say Yes to the Dress: Big Bliss
Sister Wives
Strange Sex
TLC Casting
TLC Summer
Toddlers & Tiaras
What Not to Wear
Неужели в Strange Sex?
The winner is always right …
Vae victis!
"есть Путин – есть Россия, нет Путина – нет России" (С)
И правда.
К настоящему времени (2011 год) осталось существовать лишь одно судно «морского космического флота» — «Космонавт Виктор Пацаев», стоящее в порту Калининград в качестве экспоната «Музея Мирового океана».
Балтика №3 wrote: А я думаю, американцы тут ни при чём, у Обамы сейчас предвыборный год, ему не до этого, войска бы хоть от куда нибудь вывести и то хорошо.
Это инопланетяне порчу наводят испугались путинской России "поднимающейся с колен" и так сказать: "империя наносит ответный удар" (с).
Если не американцы, то точно инопланетяне. Серьёзный, думающий человек, понимает, что в такой отрасли, как космос никаких откатов и распилов быть не может.
В качестве примера Фридинский привел раскрытое хищение 700 миллионов рублей, совершенное руководством Центра анализа электромагнитной совместимости ФГУП "Воентелеком". У одного из фигурантов дела в ходе обыска нашли 20 миллионов рублей наличными, которые представляли собой "карманные расходы". Подозреваемый объяснил, что просто не знал, на что потратить эти деньги.
Никогда не думал, что денег может быть СЛИШКОМ МНОГО
Зарегистрированный нацпредатель, удостоверение N 19719876044787 от 22.09.2014
Ross wrote:И правда.
К настоящему времени (2011 год) осталось существовать лишь одно судно «морского космического флота» — «Космонавт Виктор Пацаев», стоящее в порту Калининград в качестве экспоната «Музея Мирового океана».
Вместо восстановления флота Роскосмос мог бы прикупить по дешевке станции прямо в логове супостата http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technol ... alley.html Всего за 3.2 лямов
А вот интересно, если (чисто гипотетически) Роскосмос пожелает укупить эту тарелку, то фактически она войдет в структуру Космических войск России. Допускает ли США присутствие объектов иностранной военной структуры на своей территории?
В качестве примера Фридинский привел раскрытое хищение 700 миллионов рублей, совершенное руководством Центра анализа электромагнитной совместимости ФГУП "Воентелеком". У одного из фигурантов дела в ходе обыска нашли 20 миллионов рублей наличными, которые представляли собой "карманные расходы". Подозреваемый объяснил, что просто не знал, на что потратить эти деньги.
Никогда не думал, что денег может быть СЛИШКОМ МНОГО
$ 630 000 на "карманные расходы" - круто.
The winner is always right …
Vae victis!
"есть Путин – есть Россия, нет Путина – нет России" (С)
Нагуглилось нечто перпендикулярное: http://www.marshall.org/pdf/materials/528.pdf
p.6: "Not only does China has the ability to exploit space for its own purposes, but the ASAT test demonstrated a Chinese capability to deny other nations that same ability."
милосердия, сочувствия, сострадания друг другу, поддержки и взаимопомощи
Dmitry67 wrote:
Непонятны также частые сбои с нашими аппаратами в тот период, когда они летят над теневой для России стороной Земли - там, где мы не видим аппарат и не принимаем с него телеметрию.
perasperaadastra wrote:Правильно! Я вообще не понимаю, при чем тут инженеры. Инженеры в России самые лучшие! Явно теневики что-то со спутниками делают!