где деньги лучше держать?

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где деньги лучше держать?

Post by chaika »

I have a MM account with Vanguard. There is a minimum and checks must be at least $250, but I just use it for large payments. Current interest is 6.29%.


Chapel Hill, NC США
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где деньги лучше держать?

Post by setta »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="2">Originally posted by thinker:
Действительно хорошие условия для Saving Account. Однако я не понял, как можно снимать деньги (только электронным переводом на интернете или чеком?, а наличку как снять?). И то, что написано ниже означает ли, что необходимо иметь еще и Checking Account у того же банка?

24-hour access to your funds, and you don't even have to change banks.
An Orange Savings Account makes your money available to you whenever you need it. When you open your account, it is automatically linked to your current checking account used for your initial deposit. You can make deposits or withdraw funds by transferring money online, through our Interactive Phone Service, or by speaking with an ING DIRECT Sales Associate.

Yes you will need the checking account I don't know who doesn't have it. So just use you checking. They don't have checking accounts. It's only saving bank. All your transactions over the phone or on line. Money is usually available in 2 days. In Canada I had a saving card for cash I think they will come up with it in USA but later on.
PS I forgot to tell y they have promotion. By opening an account you will receive a $25.

[This message has been edited by setta (edited 15-03-2001).]
Vladimir Patryshev
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где деньги лучше держать?

Post by Vladimir Patryshev »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Alex_L:
А правда что Money Market не FDIC insured.


At Smith & Barney it is.
Eugene J
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где деньги лучше держать?

Post by Eugene J »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Erich:
Но с обычных сертификатов можно снимать основную сумму, правильно (с penalties)?</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Да, просто не начислят % за текущий срок после заключения или перезаключения (в течение 10 дней - без санкций)

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