У меня такой вопрос: как перейти из одной области финансов в другую: corporate finance to capital markets? У кого-нибудь уже был подобний опыт? проблема в том, что сколько я ни исчу работу в области инвестиций, не получаю ни одного ответа от работодателей.
From corporate finance to capital markets
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- Сообщения: 719
- Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 26, 2006 9:01 am
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- Сообщения: 25
- Зарегистрирован: Чт дек 07, 2006 10:49 pm
- Откуда: xxx
first of all you do know not it is a bad time now to look for work in capital markets
but in general
- do you have any ex coworkers that switched, even if you do not know them personally - companies that receptive to people from your place will be receptive to you. this worked for me.
- have you tried to talk to areas that benefit from what you know (for ex - covering the industry from which you are coming from)

but in general
- do you have any ex coworkers that switched, even if you do not know them personally - companies that receptive to people from your place will be receptive to you. this worked for me.
- have you tried to talk to areas that benefit from what you know (for ex - covering the industry from which you are coming from)
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- Сообщения: 719
- Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 26, 2006 9:01 am
ig264 писал(а):first of all you do know not it is a bad time now to look for work in capital markets![]()
but in general
- do you have any ex coworkers that switched, even if you do not know them personally - companies that receptive to people from your place will be receptive to you. this worked for me.
- have you tried to talk to areas that benefit from what you know (for ex - covering the industry from which you are coming from)
Oh, what's so bad about working in capital markets?
To answer your questions:
- no, there is no one I know who made that change.
- I am in the Government contracting, b/c I live in Washington DC area, and I am supporting program operations. So far, all employment offers that I get cover the nature of Government contracting affiliated work, but financial companies are not responsive at all. I am thinking... do I need to move to NY to get this type of job?
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- Сообщения: 25
- Зарегистрирован: Чт дек 07, 2006 10:49 pm
- Откуда: xxx
sorry it was a typo - i meant to say you do know that NOW is a bad time to move... just in case you still have question , the market is kinda crushed and it does not look there will be tremendous amount of hiring.
if you did govn't related work i'd suggest public finance (debt side of things since i doubt those issue equity). i strongly suspect you need to move to ny. i am not tremendously knowledeable, but the only part of the chain i see not in ny - is people who work on the side of the issuer (i.e. the entity that wants to gain financing in the capital market) . but this is strictly speaking not working IN the capital market althou dealing with all similar stuff.
do you know what area you would be interested in? / what u want to do? i suggest do more research about public finance if u already have not done so. what are the players, type of work , skillsets etc. look into rating agencies if this is something u are interested in (again, with caveat that now is bad time). they are receptive to ppl coming from other fileds, if you have right profile.
if you did govn't related work i'd suggest public finance (debt side of things since i doubt those issue equity). i strongly suspect you need to move to ny. i am not tremendously knowledeable, but the only part of the chain i see not in ny - is people who work on the side of the issuer (i.e. the entity that wants to gain financing in the capital market) . but this is strictly speaking not working IN the capital market althou dealing with all similar stuff.
do you know what area you would be interested in? / what u want to do? i suggest do more research about public finance if u already have not done so. what are the players, type of work , skillsets etc. look into rating agencies if this is something u are interested in (again, with caveat that now is bad time). they are receptive to ppl coming from other fileds, if you have right profile.
- Новичок
- Сообщения: 25
- Зарегистрирован: Чт дек 07, 2006 10:49 pm
- Откуда: xxx
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 719
- Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 26, 2006 9:01 am
ig264 писал(а):sorry it was a typo - i meant to say you do know that NOW is a bad time to move... just in case you still have question , the market is kinda crushed and it does not look there will be tremendous amount of hiring.
Interesting... I guess they are not willing to sponsor H1B transfers in general either, huh?

- Новичок
- Сообщения: 25
- Зарегистрирован: Чт дек 07, 2006 10:49 pm
- Откуда: xxx
I am not aware people had any issues with that. I do not know much on that subject but never heard anybody refused an interview or a spot based on being on H1b, although u never know. but you better ask other people on h1b forums about that.
Interesting... I guess they are not willing to sponsor H1B transfers in general either, huh?
Interesting... I guess they are not willing to sponsor H1B transfers in general either, huh?

- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 719
- Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 26, 2006 9:01 am
[quote="ig264"]I am not aware people had any issues with that. I do not know much on that subject but never heard anybody refused an interview or a spot based on being on H1b, although u never know. but you better ask other people on h1b forums about that.
Unfortunately, there are lots of issues with that... At least I do have many issues with my H1B status when it goes about employment. i have other questions though if you do no mind me asking:
- How difficult it is to enter the industry? Is that a must that you have MS Finance or MBA from top school?
- Would the employers consider people coming from different background (corporate finance, for example) entry level/beginners?
- What skills should you have (any special software, specific knowledge, etc.)
- what is an average starting salary of those employed in this sector?
Thank you...
Unfortunately, there are lots of issues with that... At least I do have many issues with my H1B status when it goes about employment. i have other questions though if you do no mind me asking:
- How difficult it is to enter the industry? Is that a must that you have MS Finance or MBA from top school?
- Would the employers consider people coming from different background (corporate finance, for example) entry level/beginners?
- What skills should you have (any special software, specific knowledge, etc.)
- what is an average starting salary of those employed in this sector?
Thank you...