Крошка Цахес писал(а):And what might make it fun? Professions like fashion design and movie producing are fun, but accounting is boring, by definition...
Whom how, как говорится

Крошка Цахес писал(а):And what might make it fun? Professions like fashion design and movie producing are fun, but accounting is boring, by definition...
Крошка Цахес писал(а):And what might make it fun? Professions like fashion design and movie producing are fun, but accounting is boring, by definition...Saying that it is not boring is lying to yourself and others... But if you are the type of person who can find fun in doing boring things, then accounting is right for you!
Четыблин писал(а):Скажите, пожалуйста, а смогу ли я работать на Биг Фор в Росси после Американского BSBA in accounting
Крошка Цахес писал(а):And what might make it fun? Professions like fashion design and movie producing are fun, but accounting is boring, by definition...Saying that it is not boring is lying to yourself and others... But if you are the type of person who can find fun in doing boring things, then accounting is right for you!Четыблин писал(а):Lost-Soul писал(а):It's natureЧетыблин писал(а):Lost-Soul писал(а):Accounting is very boring. You might want to reconsider...
and what makes it so boring?
I understand that something in its nature makes it boring, but,can you tell me what it is? Thanks.