tolikmolik писал(а):Иоп писал(а):интересно, это как? :lol:
Я не намерен обсуждать серьезные исследования уважаемого ученого, почетного члена многих академий и лауреата международных премий Масару Емото с человеком, который сходу подвергает сомнению саму суть явления и постановку эксперимента. Вы бы сначала с литературой ознакомились, мнением независимых экспертов и т.д. Это же чистая наука.
Наука, говорите?
In the day-to-day work of his group, the creativity of the photographers rather than the rigor of the experiment is an explicit policy of Emoto. Emoto freely acknowledges that
he is not a scientist, and that photographers are instructed to select the most pleasing photographs.
Масару Емото собственной персоной:
As I have been saying, I am a good example.Come to think of it now, I am lucky to have realized that I had been completely ignorant to “science”.I had not studied any natural science subject such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, mechanical engineering, electric and electronic engineering, astronomy, and I had no knowledge of these subjects.If I had studied about these subjects, with the imprint of wrong common sense, I would not have taken notice of MRA.And I am most grateful for the genetic information that I possess from my ancestors and to the education my parents put me through.If my parents did not have a flexible way of thinking, I would not be flexible and therefore would not be making all these challenging statements.