Mиссис Ахатулеба очень заволновалась, когда Питер не ответил ей сразу на письмо и даже прислала нам чудное с точки зрения английской грамматики сообщение:
Dear Sir,
Why have we have not heard from you? What is your position?
Конечно же Питер, будучи настоящим джентельменом, не мог оставить вопрос дамы без внимания и написал ей очень обстоятельный ответ.
Dear Mrs. Ahatulebha,
I apologize for the late reply - our foundation's affairs kept me away from Toronto. I am very glad that we have established contact with each other, and I believe our collaboration will be mutually advantageous.
As for your question, how we are going to invest the money, I can provide you with a detailed program once we have settled all the issues related to the transfer of funds. At this point, let me share the highlights of the perspective with you:
1. We will support the release of Mr. Khodorkovsky by means of raising attention to his person in mass-media.
2. We will establish a branch of our organization in Russia or neighbouring Ukraine.
3. We will provide protection to important democratic leaders in Russia
4. We will preserve a part of the money in a bank in Canada
I fully understand your willingness to verify our foundation's credibility, so I am going to assist you in any possible way to establish trust. Our foundation is absolutely legitimate, and therefore I have nothing to hide.
The address of our organization - "LIB-support" Foundation - is as follows:
161 Bay Street BCE Place, Suite 4100
Toronto, ON
Canada M5J 2S1
The number of our bank account is 18322 004 0506 8328123
We might have to use another bank account for the purpose of transferring money, because the law in this country restricts the inflow of money in the accounts of organizations such as ours. We just don't want to ruin our reputation. I will let you know the decision after I have discussed the situation with our director.
Best regards,
Peter Clack
Vice-director of "LIB-support" Foundation
161 Bay Street BCE Place, Suite 4100
Toronto, ON
Canada M5J 2S1
Telephone: +1-416-681-5200
Fax: +1-416-681-5211