Dear Friend,
In the name of the Almighty God will i beg you to
urgently advice me on how we can move and invest the
funds of my former boss Mr.Mikhail Khodorkovsky (owner
of Yukos oil in Russia) who was jailed October 2005 by
the Russian Government for financing political parties
(the union of right forces, led by Boris nemtsov, and
yabloko, a liberal/social democratic party led by
Gregor yavlinsky) which are Opposed to the government
of Mr.Vladmir Putin.
I have the documents of the funds being his personal
secretary that he gave to me before his arrest and
trial and I am contacting you to advice on how safe to
get the funds re-profilled in your name and equally
invest it on his behalf in your country. The total
amount of funds to be re-profiled is Two Hundred and
Sixteen Million Dollars (USD$216,000,000.00) and you
will be given 9% of these Funds for your management
services in investing these funds as soon as they are
transferred into your bank account, which must be
where you reside for proper monitoring.
As soon as I receive your acceptance, I will send you
the necessary details and my identification.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs.Ahatulebha Sos.
NB:It is important that you read the news informations
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