Дома темно и прохладно- заводить ли птаху?

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Post by Иоп »

У сестры попугай тоже фанатеет от крана! Это у них всему виду попугаев видимо свойственно :lol:
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Post by женюшка »

А еще у меня по первости попугайной конфуз вышел:
прочитала, что надо обязательно следить, чтоб какашки были "well-formed" 8O
Первые два дня ползала вокруг клетки, народ потешался.
попугай тогда отчаянно боялся, я группировалась, чтоб меня не было сильно видно. Зверь такой ползал ужасный: башки не видать, попа кверху торчит.
кто бы еще знал, как это -"хорошо оформленная какашка"
А вот интересно, думала, у советских волнистых попугаев такое же оформление какашек,как и у буржуйских, или нет? :?
Примерно как: Зачем я соврал, я же не участвую. А зачем он спросил...зубы заговаривает
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Post by O_L_E_G »

в последнем журнале bird's talk - на обложке сплошные попугаи нарисованы, ошибиться сложно - написано как следить за попугаями, только что принесенными из магазина, и на что обращать внимание. этот журнал сейчас должен стоять во всех книжных магазинах.
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Post by женюшка »

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Post by PAF »

Поздравляю в покупкой птички. :appl:
А как назвали-то?
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Post by женюшка »

Да я не знаю пока, он- он или она :pain1:
Меленький(ая) совсем.

Пока Кешка (очень свежее решение :mrgreen: ).
Посмотрим дальше.

"А это вовсе и не хвост..." (с)
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Post by Aleksandra »

женюшка wrote:кто бы еще знал, как это -"хорошо оформленная какашка"
А вот интересно, думала, у советских волнистых попугаев такое же оформление какашек,как и у буржуйских, или нет? :?

Они ведь все австралийские, независимо от страны проживания :) Так что в этом отличия нет :wink:
"Хорошо оформленная какашка" у попугаев - это что-то наподобие маленькой горошинки, слишком влажная и растекающаяся по полу для попугаев не нормальна (в отличие от певчих птиц например). Но если попугайчик не ест или ест мало то будут влажные "лепешки" белого цвета. Обычно такое утром бывает, на голодный желудок :)
У меня тут статейка по пупологии :D завалялась, почитайте

We recommend you use newspaper to cover your cage bottom. Its non-toxic, inexpensive and gives you a clear view of what your bird has dropped on it. This should be changed a least once a day and examined at that time as it can tell you many things. You can see what your bird has eaten or not eaten, how his fecal droppings have looked during the course of the day and even find the missing piece to that toy he disassembled.


Normal droppings in pet birds consist of three parts. The stool is coiled or partially coiled and varies in color from rich green to brown depending on the bird's diet. It will be green for birds on a seed diet and for birds on a formulated diet it will reflect the color of the pellet. Certain fruits and veggies can also effect its color...for example, beets, blueberries and others can give the stool their color.

The urates are a by-product of the kidneys and are usually snow white when dry. They are chalky in texture and will vary in size from tiny (as in the budgie) to large and spread out (as in the macaw). Its normal to have some transient color changes during the day and some colored formulated foods can tinge them a creamy color.

The urine is the liquid portion and its normally clear. The volume of urine will change according to what the bird is eating. You will see more after consumption of fruits and vegetables and less after pellets.


Once you've learned what your bird's dropping normally looks like you can be on the lookout for problems.

Watery droppings...an increase in the amount of urine is often confused with diarrhea. The fecal matter will be the same, but there will be notably more fluid around the feces. A change in the color of the urine is also a warning.

Loose stool, or true diarrhea, can show up in one or two droppings due to stress, but if you're seeing it constantly throughout the day it is cause for concern. The tubular formed feces will lose its shape and become mushy.

Color changes in the feces to bright green or black and texture change to slimy is an indicator of trouble.

Yellow or green stained urates is also a warning of trouble. This part of the dropping should always be white when dry.

Undigested seed or food in the droppings, pale or foamy droppings and a consistent change in the volume or number of droppings during the course of the day are also of concern.

Call your Avian Veterinarian to discuss it if you see any of these abnormal droppings.

What's under your bird can tell an important story about his health...learn to read it

By Dr. David J. Kersting, D.V.M.

Understanding your bird’s droppings could save your bird’s life

For More information
It is true that when a bird becomes sick that their health can deteriorate quickly. But it’s rarely true that when a bird become sick, it dies suddenly without showing symptoms of illness. The symptoms are there, we just have to learn how to recognize them.

Changes in the droppings can be a very early indicator that the bird is sick. Know what normal droppings look like so you can recognize a change in color, consistency, odor, and/or amount. Use paper at the bottom of the cage so that the dropping falls flat and clean onto the paper. This will enable you to recognize any changes in color, consistency, odor, and/or amount. If you are able to notice this change you could save your bird’s life. If you use wood shavings at the bottom of your cage and you miss a change in color and consistency in the droppings then you failed your bird. It is wrong to use wood shavings at the bottom of your cage so that it looks nice and you do not have to clean the bottom of your cage as often if it interferes with evaluating the droppings for signs of health problems.

There are three components to most droppings. Urine consists of a crystal urine called urates (white chalky material) and a non-crystal urine called urine (clear water). Sometimes the two types of urine are mixed creating a cloudy white urine. Important changes include color changes and amount.

Green or Yellow Urates: Liver Disease, Anorexia

Brown or Chocolate Urates: Lead Poisoning

Red Urine or Urates : Internal Bleeding

Increased Urates : Dehydration

Increased Urine Disease : Eating food high in water, Drinking a lot

The third part of the droppings is the feces which comes from the colon and consists of digested food. The color varies depending on the types of food eaten. Red pellets and strawberries produce a red colored dropping. (This does not apply to the urine.) Seed and green vegetables produce a green dropping. (This does not apply to the urine.) Blueberries and blackberries produce black droppings. The feces should be solid and tubular like a worm. It can be coiled up or uncoiled and it is okay if it is broken into pieces.

Diarrhea is not excessive urine in the droppings. Diarrhea is the fecal material not holding its tubular shape. Instead it is the consistency of pudding. Look for blood in the feces. If the feces is fresh and black in color and there were no blueberries in the diet then this indicates melena. Melena is black droppings caused by bleeding high up in the digestive system. When the blood passes through the lower digestive system, it is digested turning the red blood into a black tarry color, staining the feces black.

Color which cannot be explained by the diet should be investigated by your veterinarian. Don’t forget to look for real worms like tapeworms and roundworms.

If you notice black droppings (indicating internal bleeding) at the bottom of your bird’s cage, stop and go to your veterinarian. If you wait until the bird is weak, not eating, and fluffed up, then you have a race against the clock to save the bird’s life.

Watch your bird’s droppings everyday and learn what they look like normally. When you notice a change, identify what portion of the dropping has changed. If you cannot explain the change by the bird’s lifestyle then act immediately and contact your avian veterinarian.
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Post by PAF »

Тогда уж лучше Сашкой или Шуркой назовите, если не можете определить пол птички. :)
А вообще, Вы же знаете, "как Вы яхту назовете, так она и поплывет". Дадите обычное имя, будет обычная птичка, увидите личность в нем/ней то получите personality.
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Post by женюшка »

"как Вы яхту назовете, так она и поплывет"

Полуэктом, чего уж мелочиться :mrgreen:
Не, я сейчас больше занята вопросами пупологии и какашковедения. Спасибо Александре. Вникаем.

А пол, вроде бы, начал вырисовываться, восковица поголубела (и порозовела одновременно) немного.
Хотя, слышала, запросто может и у "девчушек" сначала розовой быть восковица, а потом- БАМ- парень! И наоборот может.
Надеюсь, у меня мужик.
(Во "Friends" у Фиби был крыс по имени Боб, ровно до тех пор пока Боб не заполз в ящик на кухне и не размножился.Фиби, помнится, не смутилась- типа, пусть остается Бобом).
Да мне и не надо серьезного попугая. Надо смешного, можно- неуклюжего. Вчера в телевизоре видела героя по имени ПачУко.
Ну чем не имя!
По настроению можно и Пачукиным, и Пачукидзе с Пачуковичем называть.
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Post by AtticRoach »

Очень близко к теме какашковедения :mrgreen:

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