Dissappointing experience with buying laptop from Sony Style

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Dissappointing experience with buying laptop from Sony Style

Post by Dimka69 »

Recently I bought Sony laptop thorugh Sony Style (tel (877)518-7669).

Из положительного скажу, что они отослали в тот же день - за это им спасибо.

From negative: sales person told me that there is a rebate for $100 available for this model. Rebate form will be included in the shipment. In addition to that there is a promotion for $200 e-certificate that you can spend on sony products.

It is needless to say that no rebate form had arrived with the shipment and further investigation showed that there were no rebates for this product. I think I should have asked how can I verified the rebate, but I did not have internt access at that time.

It is full 7 business days since I bought the comp, but the e-certificate has not yet been e-mailed.

In addition the comp does not hold the battary for advertised 6.5. hours with just two applications open and wireless off, but about 3-4 hours.

So these facts dissappointed me.
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Post by KRoman5 »

Да, у них до сих пор нерешенная проблема с батареями, но зачем же обманывать покупателей на этот сщет. Да и с ребейтами непонятка. Какие-то они чиповые, несолидно.
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Post by Gennadiy »

Я когда у них лаптоп купил, тоже рибейт на 100 обещали. С компом формы на рибейт не было. Но я все же докопался, и нашел ее на сайте, хотя это было и не просто.
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Post by michvin »

don't know if you noticed, but in almost every review on any sony product the bottom line is "great/good product, bad customer support....
how they manage to survive? :pain1:
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Post by Shin »

michvin wrote:don't know if you noticed, but in almost every review on any sony product the bottom line is "great/good product, bad customer support....
how they manage to survive? :pain1:

The NAME? :)
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