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February 10, 2005
To: Kathy, Operational Manager,
phone: 1-877-693-2229, fax: 1-516-420-4170
From: xxx, Order # yyy
phone: zzz
Ref: Difficulties and lies in order to get item shipped, and get a refund.
Hello Kathy - Operational Manager,
This is the last attempt to contact to you/ I am writing this story again, mostly to do not duplicate it for the bank officials, Attorney’s General office, BBB where I will send a copy of this fax at 1pm PST on Friday, February 11, 2005.
I ordered the Alfa-Omega Car Seat and Musical tea-set at 11/27/2004. Transaction, Ref # xxxxxxxxxxx appeared in my 12/07/2004 statement just simply proofs my words.
When I call to almost month ago in order to figure out, Lorry (or how she called herself) checked and told that item had been shipped to me month ago and suggested to call to the shipping company, DHL. DHL confirmed that tracking number was declared, but shipping company did not pick up the item.
When I provide this information to Lorry (after New Year holiday, approximately January, 5-6, 2005), she agreed that upon out-of-stock case my item did not even shipped. She promised to ship only Car Seat, because Tea-set was not in a stock, and provide refund of Tea-Set.
Finally, I got this shipment at 1/18/2005. But even item came with only (Car Seat), the receipt attached to this shipment (see docs to this file) also mentioned Tea-Set.
A couple days later (January 21-23, 2005), after I had gotten Car Seat, I called Lorry, and asked her about refund. She confirmed that return was performed on time, and she just did not have conformation number in front of her.
When I called to again (02/08/2005) (after conforming to bank that no money appears), I was finally transferred to you. Kathy, Operational Manager. You told me that the credit card that you have in file is invalid. It was actually valid to charge me, and became invalid for refund. I am surprised. You requested me to send me a copy of the statement showing the card number, and amount charged.
I faxed all documents next day, 02/09/2005, and hour later, tried to give you a call in order to confirm the fax. I have tried 3 times, and all 3 times, I was hung on the line for the time longer than 10 minutes. It seems any time, I named myself as Alex, I got hangs.
Bottom line: I will dispute the transaction in case I do not get conformation of the money refund by 1pm PST on Friday, February 11, 2005.