sergeika wrote:faw wrote:Это где-то 3-2 тыс до НЭ если мне не изменяет склероз.
Когда там Египет зародился?
Трипольская культура, энеолит. Поздний каменный век. А 4 тыс. лет до н.э. начался бронзовый век. Начался, понятно, не везде - на территории нынешней Турции, Месопотамии, Египта. Начало династического Египта - примерно 3 тыс. лет до н.э. но люди там жили задолго до образования государства.
The Trypillian/Tripolian neolithic culture timeframe varies between 5400-2800 B.C. According to some archeologists, the Cucuteni neolithic culture, which is the same as the Tripolian, found in modern Romania, pre-dates the Tripolian.
This may indicate an Anatolia-Balkans-Tripolye migration path. Additionaly, some scientists believe, based on archeological facts, that the Cucuteni culture people were Hurrites (non-Indo-European speakers). If it's true, it would mean that they are probably not related to people who inhabit the territories where the neolithic discoveries were made (Ukrainian is an IE language). Other scientists "think" that Tripolian/Cucuteni folks *were* Indo-Europeans.
In short, there is no firm archeological evidencce either for or against the hypothesis relating modern Ukrainians to ancient inhabitants of Tripolye.