Ratbert wrote:народ...да вы че -классическую разводку не распознали.... а в роли лохов бюджет, правительство и бюрократы (те что не в доле)...
Это не разводка. На таком высоком уровне никто не будет затевать хитроумный заговор только ради того, чтобы один военный завод получил лишних 5-6 миллионов в месяц. Для Пентагона это не деньги.
Ratbert wrote:подождем и посмотрим - кто получит госзаказы на эту самую технику...
Что ждать-то? Все давно известно, читайте прессу -
On Friday evening, Armor Holdings Inc., a Jacksonville, Fla.-based company that produces and installs armor for Humvees, said it had been contacted by the Army and would boost production to about 550 armored Humvees a month from the current 450. The company's statement came at the end of negotiations that began Friday morning when Army Secretary Francis J. Harvey telephoned Armor Holdings President Robert Schiller.
The company expects to reach the new production level by February or March 2005. The armor plating costs the Pentagon $58,000 for each vehicle, company spokesman Michael Fox said.
Умножаем на 100, получается $5.8 миллионов. В месяц.
Тем временем демократы не упускают возможность лишний раз покритиковать -
On Friday, the former Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) wrote to Rumsfeld, asking why the Pentagon wasn't buying more armored Humvees when companies said they were not yet at full production capacity.
"I know you agree that no soldier should be put in harm's way without adequate armor," Kerry wrote. "I urge you to investigate immediately why troops are going without the equipment they need when American companies say they can provide it."
Lawmakers applauded the disclosure, but chastised the Pentagon.
"It's a very welcome decision," Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) said in a statement. "Spc. Wilson deserves a medal for shaking the Pentagon tree so effectively and producing this long-needed increase so quickly. Shaming Secretary Rumsfeld is a small price to pay for saving many troops' lives."