tengiz wrote:Ха, а он уже через час после публикации сказал, что газетчики его переврали.
Ну это же элементарно проверяется, tengiz!
http://georgia.usembassy.gov/releases/t ... pisces.htm
Q: According to the Russian decision which was made, the Russian Federation there is the possibility that the Russians may make precise strikes on the territories of other states, and they do not exclude the possibility of doing so in the territory of Georgia, especially Kodori and Pankisi Gorge, and what would be your opinion in this regard?
Amb Miles: A comment on these Russian statements would probably be better coming from our Ambassador in Moscow, or from our authorities in Washington, so I don't really want to comment on those Russian statements. As for the situation in the Pankisi Gorge, the Minister is much more responsible authority than I am, but I will comment on it. The situation under the previous government had already been improved, from let's say the period of two-and-a-half to three years ago, the number of Chechen fighters had diminshed by some 90% and the international terrorists by 60% or 70% or more. I'm not an expert on such matters, but in my own opinion this is not the sort of a situation which lends itself to military-type activity. It's really a matter for the Internal Security services.
Q: You mentioned just seconds ago, the percentage of terrorists. According to your information, and in your opinion, are there still terrorists in the Gorge?
Amb. Miles: We've had some arguments with Georgian authorities about that, and I don't want to get into that big argument here today, but the short answer is yes, there are still a few international terrorists in the vicinity of the Pankisi Gorge. Prior to the restoration of Georgian government authority in the Pankisi Gorge, there was what we consider to be a significant handful of international terrorists. We believe that due to the actions of the Georgian authorities, that number has been significantly diminished by at least two-thirds or more of its previous size. But this is disputable, and in fact, some Georgian authorities have disputed it. But you asked my opinion.
Q: What about the Kodori Gorge? Are there still terrorists in the Kodori Gorge?
Amb. Miles: I don't know anything about terrorists in the Kodori Gorge. I'm not saying there are or aren't, it's just not something I have any knowledge of. Thank you.