Capricorn wrote:siharry wrote:1) Государство не дотирует ВСЕ лекарства, а ВСЕ лекарства стоят дешевле.
Государство дотирует мед. обслуживание и регулирует цены на лекарства. Государственныи монополизм , короче говоря, со всеми вытекающими последствиями.
From another board (not related to medical care):
...coming form the bastion of solcialized medicine I will take the US system in a heartbeat.
We have lost countless lives here in CANADA due to the simple fact that treatment was not available. Every person in CANADA knows another first-hand who has suffered unduly because of our system of social medicine. Personally, I know one woman who waited 24 months for chemotherapy. I am on a 16 month waitlist for knee surgery. My father-in-law waited 24 months for hip surgery. An aunt of mine cannot get proper health care for her heart condition. The general wait list for an MRI or CT Scan is 14 months.
This is a small sample. There are countless thousands of cases just in my Province.
Yes, socialized medicine costs less up here. But, those costs are borne in other ways.
I cannot tell you how many people in this province have cashed in their retirement savings in order to get needed medical treatment in the US.
Socialized medicine is absolute garbage. And I would call it the greatest scam of the modern world.
There is much to be fixed in the US system, and I do view basic healthcare as a right not a privilege, but I will gladly pay 1200 per month for medical insurance. The amount i save in taxes will pay for it, and I will get treatment when I'm sick.
The solution is a hybrid whereby people can opt into a version of medical insurance if they choose, but a baseline level of healthcare is provided to every person regardless of ability to pay. Every user pays a per use fee in order to limit abuse, and every user has the right to pursue their own medical care.
You see, this is the dirty little secret of socialized medicine. An individuals right to pursue the best medical care possible is taken from them under the mantra "everyone is equal". However, everyone is not equal and social countries continue to send economic activity to countries with private medicine. Were social countries able to simply capture this economic activity, the social system would be fixed.