mex wrote:1. You are not in a position to critisize USA contitution. We are all
guests here, even citizens. We cannot complain
about historical foundation of the country. Nor you neither your
ancestors built the country. You do not like the foundation - you go
home and set up whatever you like there.
1. У меня нет комплексов, которые мне не давали бы считать себя полноправным гражданином, потому я считаю себя вправе критиковать все, что мне не нравится. И предлагать, если счиатю нужным, изменения в конституции.
mex wrote:2. The human nature has not been changed since 1770s. People are
as wild and as stupid as in 18s century. No more, no less.
I do not buy this BS that "conditions have been changed".
2. Натура человеческая изменилась слабо, а вот способы и стандарты общения и построения общества изменились весьма значительно. К примеру, обьявление: "Неграм и собакам вход запрещен" несколько out of date. So is the freedom to bare arms.
mex wrote:3. You obviously do not understand WHY people must have
3. BS из той же серии, что и "Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь". В том плане, что это столь же жизненно, как и "торжество коммунизма во всем мире".
mex wrote:4. 2nd amendmend has symbolical importance.
It promotes self-reliance and responibility of the public. This
is the thin boundary between a liberal society and
a communizm/fasizm/etc regimes. I do not believe that a normal
society is possible with such restriction. Europe is not an example,
Europe is slipping toward communism every day, Europe is dead.
4. BS из серии "закат капитализма". Штаты подвинутся немного в сторону Европы, Европа - в сторону Штатов и всем будет хорошо.
mex wrote:5. There are so many things around us which are so dangerous.
Sugar, oil, cars - half of things around us are more dangerous
than guns, and take higher toll than guns. Why liberals
are aiming at guns ? See number 4.
5. Sure. But of all the things listed above only the guns are built with a single pupose of killing and hurting. In all other cases this is only a undesireble side effekt, while for the weapons it is THE PRIMARY FUNCTION.