FatCat wrote:Судя по всему "здесь" - это в СССР. Создан сериал был с очень характерным названием "Великая Отечественная". А вот в США он шел с названием "Unknown War". Подозреваю, что сериал о войне на Тихом океане, Средиземном море и в Африке мог бы идти в СССР под тем же названием. Да что там! Даже сериалы о финской и гражданской войнах.
Восхишен вашим юношеским максимализмом. Сравнивать войну в Африке с Отечественной!!! Сколько там у Роммеля дивизий было? На пальцах одной руки поди сосчитать можно.
Судя по вашему отношению к той войне (а точнее к России в той войне) вам наверно интереснее было бы на другом форуме, здешнем, Чикагском. Пара цитат оттуда:
On the other hand, I'm fairly sure that the allied airforces would have attrited the Russian frontal aviation to disappearance fairly quickly. The Allies had a LOT of aircraft.
So long as the western front could "hold the line", which it probably could, given air support.
There would have been room to open secondary fronts in the South through Iran/Black sea, cutting off Murmansk convoys & raiding north would been uncomfortable, effective use of heavy bomber for tactical support (Falaise Gap style - doesn;t MATTER if you can line up artillery wheel hub to wheel hub) and for supply interdiction.
Hey, if the poor, hungry, with barely any air support, 1944 German army remenants (experienced as they were) could cause the Russian juggernauts so much grief I'm fairly sure the Western armies could have at least stopped them.
But it would have hugely costly, in lives and treasure, and have left the pacific war to American subs and naval elements for much longer.
Posted by Fred on February 24, 2004 07:32 PM
I agree the germans had MUCH better armour, and they employed it (to the bitter end) in much cleverer ways, but they had pitifully little of it. Reading accounts (made up but typical) of "3 Panthers and a couple of odds and sods" going toe to toe with entire Russian armoured regiments -and making them back down- is awe inspiring. But it has the whiff of "heroic last stand." (makes for fun war-gaming though)
Their artillery was just sad by the end, their troops horribly supplied. German aviation support mostly disappeared.
In contrast the Red Army & Russia would be subject to full time tactical air interdiction 100's of miles deep into territory that was already badly damaged, and sudden appearance of the strategic airforce assets able to crush concentrations and rail-heads would have thrown them back badly, you can't blitz without mountains of supplies. By 1945 the allies were getting very good at nailing anything that moved or stood still in the open.
-Complete and total domination of the western oceans, once the Kriegsmarine threw in the towel. At that point whole resupply problem of europe eases, new ports can be used, and fleet assets can be used offensively.
Headline du jour: "US Marines assault Leningrad/Koenigsburg from sea, open new front, cut off Russia's northern army group from supply. Denmark opens undamaged ports to allied logistics"
America's airpower and artillery would have broke the Red Army like a stick.
Posted by Trent Telenko on February 25, 2004 12:52 PM