Stanislav Ustymenko wrote:siharry wrote:Stanislav Ustymenko wrote:Я выбираю Ющенко просто в силу колоссального безрыбья (альтернативы намного хуже). Я так понял, что спорить Вы не готовы, так? Ну, и не будем!
Satanislav, what r u talking about? Yushenko is one hell of fish. He is very educated, professional, has a great harisma, very experienced and not extrem in his ideas. Can u name anyone from post-Soviet republics who can even stand next to him?
I would give him a lot of credit for the way he managed Nat Bank, executed Ghrivna reform, conducted monetary policy, solved payment crisis, negotiated nat gas contracts with Russia and Turkmens while being Prime -minister. He would have achieve more if Kuchmas ass-lickers hadn't plotted intrigues that led to his dismissal. Every country would be proud to have a professional politic like this to govern.
I understand, that gornyaki cannot appreciate his accomplishments just becase they have no clue what real leader should be like. They were grown in criminal environment wher force is the only argument. They are looking for a thug who they would be scary of - barbarians.
P.S. Siharry - r u from Baltimore, Salt Lake or NYC, just curious