Награда за поимку военных преступников

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Post by Alkiev »

ts wrote:
RandomNumber wrote:И вообще - история ВСЕГДА была на стороне защитников родной земли от оккупантов. :umnik1: Вспомните как начиналась история США . Почему Вы поддерживаете откровенную агрессию против независимого государства. :pain1:

ну не знаю, история США начиналась с систематического уничтожения защитников родной земли, пока почти никого не осталось. сорри за оффтопик.

Кстати, по-моему, самые антикоммунистические антикоммунисты не сильно возражали против оккупации Кампучии вьетнамцами. Да и сами кампучийцы, по-моему, по красным кхмерам не скучают :pain1:
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Post by CBI »

Fleeing Fallujans killed as crisis deepens

Thursday 29 April 2004, 12:50 Makka Time, 9:50 GMT

Fallujans burn new Iraqi flag and curse US occupation

US soldiers have fired on a minibus full of civilians near a checkpoint on the outskirts of the besieged Iraqi town of Falluja.

Witnesses said a hail of bullets from occupation forces on Thursday turned the vehicle into a ball of fire.

Iraqi policeman Fuad al-Hamdani said four civilians were killed in the unprovoked attack.

People have been leaving Falluja following major US airstrikes on the town, 50km west of Baghdad

http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ ... 90E4D8.htm
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Post by Alkiev »

CBI wrote:
Fleeing Fallujans killed as crisis deepens

Thursday 29 April 2004, 12:50 Makka Time, 9:50 GMT
US soldiers have fired on a minibus full of civilians near a checkpoint on the outskirts of the besieged Iraqi town of Falluja.

А минибас точно на блокпосте остановился, там где и когда ему указали?
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US military in torture scandal

Use of private contractors in Iraqi jail interrogations highlighted by inquiry into abuse of prisoners

Julian Borger in Washington
Friday April 30, 2004
The Guardian


The US army confirmed that the general in charge of Abu Ghraib jail is facing disciplinary measures and that six low-ranking soldiers have been charged with abusing and sexually humiliating detainees.


A military report into the Abu Ghraib case - parts of which were made available to the Guardian - makes it clear that private contractors were supervising interrogations in the prison, which was notorious for torture and executions under Saddam Hussein.


But this is the first time the privatisation of interrogation and intelligence-gathering has come to light.

The military investigation names two US contractors, CACI International Inc and the Titan Corporation, for their involvement in Abu Ghraib.

Titan, based in San Diego, describes itself as a "a leading provider of comprehensive information and communications products, solutions and services for national security".

CACI, which has headquarters in Virginia, claims on its website to "help America's intelligence community collect, analyse and share global in formation in the war on terrorism".

http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0, ... 25,00.html
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Post by Alkiev »

Айсберг wrote:...

Кстати, Айсберг, как патриот патриоту. Вы таки отдали долг Родине (ну в смысле с автоматом, в сапогах и на пересеченной местности)?
А то мы спорим-спорим, хотелось бы спорить с равным...
"Никаких крыльев нет. Просто умираешь и все."
(С) гусеница.
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Оранжевое Небо
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Post by Оранжевое Небо »

Alkiev wrote:
Айсберг wrote:...

Кстати, Айсберг, как патриот патриоту. Вы таки отдали долг Родине (ну в смысле с автоматом, в сапогах и на пересеченной местности)?
А то мы спорим-спорим, хотелось бы спорить с равным...

Забавно, Алкиев, - все вам должны. Даже для того чтобы мнение высказать. Недостоин Вас Айсберг - с его капюшоном да против такой маски...
Смотри, не обломись на полдороги - товарищ "Небо"
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Post by VladDod »

Оранжевое Небо wrote:... против такой маски...

Это он старый анекдот изображает:

"... я же сказал, снять противогазы!" :lol:
в реале супруги редко бывают друзьями, так как их отношения подпорчены сексом (с)Роза
Плавали-Знаем! (C)
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Post by late_morning_girl »

Alkiev wrote:
Айсберг wrote:...

Кстати, Айсберг, как патриот патриоту. Вы таки отдали долг Родине (ну в смысле с автоматом, в сапогах и на пересеченной местности)?
А то мы спорим-спорим, хотелось бы спорить с равным...
Дык он же уже рассказывал. Он писарем служил.
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Post by Irena »

late_morning_girl wrote:
Alkiev wrote:
Айсберг wrote:...

Кстати, Айсберг, как патриот патриоту. Вы таки отдали долг Родине (ну в смысле с автоматом, в сапогах и на пересеченной местности)?
А то мы спорим-спорим, хотелось бы спорить с равным...
Дык он же уже рассказывал. Он писарем служил.

Ну и что, что писарем? Нaоборот, он начал там писать про американский кирдык :umnik1: , это такое у них секретное оружие. :mrgreen:
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Post by wolfboy »

Alkiev wrote:Кстати, Айсберг, как патриот патриоту. Вы таки отдали долг Родине (ну в смысле с автоматом, в сапогах и на пересеченной местности)?
А то мы спорим-спорим, хотелось бы спорить с равным...

Ну если ето не оффтопик с попыткой наезда, то уж не знаю.. :nono#: Господа, не отклоняйтесь от темы. :|
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Re: Награда за поимку военных преступников

Post by CBI »

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Volunteers hunting for bodies in Fallujah find a woman and her daughter in their home, killed in the siege but undiscovered for days. Chanting mourners bury two boys caught in the crossfire of a Baghdad gunfight. A morgue in Basra overflows with torn and burned bodies from a suicide bombing.

Victims — young and old, women and men, insurgents and innocents — have been piling up day by day, making April the deadliest month for Iraqis — and Americans — since the fall of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) a year ago.

Official and complete death counts for Iraqis nationwide are unavailable. But a count by The Associated Press found that around 1,361 Iraqis were killed from April 1 to April 30 — 10 times the figure of at least 136 U.S. troops who died during the same period.

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=s ... &ncid=1480

и "веселые" картинки

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Re: Награда за поимку военных преступников

Post by CBI »


AI Index: MDE 14/017/2004 (Public)
News Service No: 111
30 April 2004

Iraq: Torture not isolated -- independent investigations vital
There is a real crisis of leadership in Iraq -- with double standards and double speak on human rights, Amnesty International said today.


"Our extensive research in Iraq suggests that this is not an isolated incident. It is not enough for the USA to react only once images have hit the television screens".

Amnesty International has received frequent reports of torture or other ill-treatment by Coalition Forces during the past year. Detainees have reported being routinely subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment during arrest and detention. Many have told Amnesty International that they were tortured and ill-treated by US and UK troops during interrogation. Methods often reported include prolonged sleep deprivation; beatings; prolonged restraint in painful positions, sometimes combined with exposure to loud music; prolonged hooding; and exposure to bright lights. Virtually none of the allegations of torture or ill-treatment has been adequately investigated by the authorities.


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Re: Награда за поимку военных преступников

Post by CBI »

Rumsfeld did not describe the photos, but U.S. military officials told NBC News that the unreleased images showed U.S. soldiers severely beating an Iraqi prisoner nearly to death, having sex with a female Iraqi female prisoner and “acting inappropriately with a dead body.” The officials said there was also a videotape, apparently shot by U.S. personnel, showing Iraqi guards raping young boys.

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Re: Награда за поимку военных преступников

Post by CBI »

The United States faces the prospect of a severe and enduring backlash not just in the Middle East but also among strategic allies, putting in question the Bush administration's ability to make serious headway on a range of foreign policy goals for the rest of this presidential term, according to U.S. officials and foreign policy experts.

The White House damage-control campaign, including the long-awaited apology from President Bush yesterday, is likely to have only limited, if any, success in the near term, administration officials said yesterday.

The White House is so gloomy about the repercussions that senior adviser Karl Rove suggested this week that the consequences of the graphic photographs documenting the U.S. abuse of Iraqi detainees are so enormous that it will take decades for the United States to recover, according to a Bush adviser.

"It's a blinding glimpse of the obvious to say we're in a hole," conceded Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage. He said the backlash in Europe is even greater than in the 22-nation Arab world.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ar ... 4May6.html
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