Doll wrote:Вообще-то они и звучат по-разному.
Про then и than, это, наверное, зависит от тренированности слуха и места обитания. Да и вообще, я сказал про себя - возможно я просто ничего не понимаю в колбасных обрезках. Наличие множества обьяснений о о том, как правильно использовать then и than подсказывает что я такой не один. Логично?
Doll wrote:А well и good....первое-наречие,второе -прилагательное.
А насчет well и good, вот:
Q. When do you use well or good?
A. In general, use well to describe an activity, good to describe a thing.
When it is an activity being described, use well, as in "He did well in the spelling bee." Well is an adverb in that instance, describing the verb. When it is a condition or a passive state being described, use good, as in "You're looking good tonight!". Good is an adjective in this instance, describing the noun.
With feel good/feel well, it is more complicated. In this case, the word well is being used an adjective meaning 'healthy' — so it is OK to say, "I feel well." You can say "I feel good" also, but it is more informal, borderline slangy.
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